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The planet of Ilum was covered in snow and ice. It was cold and felt distant compared to any other planet Diane had gone to. Yet, held elegance and an almost ancient-like manner to it.

It was a lot like Heaven. At least, Diane thought so.

"Cal," Cere said. "You will be tested."

Cal stood in front of the closed entry.

"Yeah," he replied. "But I'm ready."

"I don't mean just here. Every Jedi faces the dark side."

She pulled out something from behind her back. A lightsaber.

"And it's very easy to fail."

Cal noticed something as she glanced between her saber and him.

"You're still struggling with the dark side. Even after cutting yourself off from the Force."

"We will always struggle. But that is the test. It's the choice to keep fighting that makes us who we are."

She held out her old lightsaber to him and he took it, glancing between both sabers. He clipped them on his belt and looked at her. There was fire in his eyes.

"I guess it's about time I find out who I am."

And the door opened.

"Ilum," Diane spoke up. "Why here?"

Cere walked over to where the angel was sitting.

"This is where many Jedi have found their kyber crystal."

"And this kyber crystal is what causes the lightsaber to work?"

"It works with the Force, resonates with it making it so whoever uses it can center themselves and allow balance with the Force."

"And the red and blue colors?"

"There are other colors, but yes the color of the crystal makes the color of the blade."

"You ready Dee? BD?"

Diane nodded her head.

"Diane can't go Cal, you know that."

Cal felt the ends of his mouth fall.


"Uh, who's that?"

Cere looked outside and saw a man in a white suit.

"Michael," Diane replied.

Cal whipped his head toward her.


"Cal, you take care of the lightsaber. I'll handle him."

"Diane he could... I don't know, turn you into salt if he wanted to!"

"I know," she said. "But I got this. Trust me."

Cal looked into the angel's eyes and sighed.

"I will hold him off for as long as I can."

She began walking toward the Archangel while Cal went the opposite way.

Cere glanced between the two. She watched as Cal slowed his pace, enough to see Diane hold the Archangel's hand as they flew off somewhere into the unknown.


Diane stumbled as she looked around. It was another planet.

"Don't worry," Michael said. "I'll take you back to your friends when we're done talking."

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