"I know." I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him but my attempts are useless.

Ez starts to pace in front of us and Peter gets up from his seat, "We'll look around for her, don't worry. I'll go check outside in the winter garden and the terrasses, maybe she just needed some air."

I instantly put down my drink and get up too. "I'll walk back to the hotel." It's just right next to the venue so she could have been feeling sick or something and decided to rest a little, or change shoes. "Hey." I nod at my brother. "We'll find her."

"Yeah," He bites his lip with worry while his eyes still search the room. "I'll check around here with Levi," desperately he rushes a hand through his hair. "Fuck." He cusses again, his mind probably racing with possibilities.

As we split up in different directions, I make my way out of the venue into the cold air outside. The whole place including the street is well-lit with festive light and street lanterns but not a single trace of Sophia. Pacing fast into the hotel I make my way to the wing where the girls had been sleeping. I glance around, hoping to spot Sophia among other guests or perhaps taking a moment in one of the quiet corners.


The dim light in the hallway casts a shadow, creating an earie atmosphere.

The fucking suspense.

I knock on the bridal suite, nothing.


I knock again, I hear ruffling.


I call for Sophia, she opens.

Thank God!

"Sophia!" I let out a sigh of relief, instantly stepping into the doorway and hugging her. "We tried to call you... Ezra couldn't find you and he's about to lose it back there." I pull back and there something about her, she looks worried and lost. There's tears in her eyes. Why? "Hey Hey." I widen my eyes, whispering softly. "Sophia what's wrong. What's going on?" And then she stars to sob. I grab her shoulders a little, inspecting her face, her arms. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know what to do Mills." She's shuddering, shaking and all I can do is pull her close and let her have a moment.

Sophia's sobs echo in the dimly lit hotel hallway, and my concern deepens as I hold her close. Her tears trigger a sense of urgency, and I gently guide her into the room, shutting the door behind us.

"Sophia, what's wrong? Tell me." I ask again, my voice a mixture of worry and reassurance.

She takes a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. "I don't know what to do, Mills. This wasn't supposed to happen."

My mind races with scenarios, but I keep my focus on her. "Start from the beginning. What happened?"

Between sobs, Sophia begins to share her story. "This morning while Grace was helping Luna with her dress, I took a pregnancy test in the bridal suite... sparing you the details on why..." She takes a deep breath, but my mind is in an instant state of limbo. Oh. Oooh. "I was in the bathroom waiting for the results when Céline walked in, and I left to greet her and then it totally slipped my mind with everything going on... You know the wedding hype and the nerves..." Her story starts to pick up a rapid pace and I can tell she's panicking as she sits down at the edge of the bed, staring ahead of herself. "Then when I wanted to eat a stupid shrimp, I started to feel nauseous and then it hit me, I came back here, I needed to know." She is breathing fast, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Positive. It's positive. I'm pregnant." She looks at me and her entire expression crumbles.

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