Nick - Stomach Pain

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Nick has been feeling unwell all day and they're filming.

TW: Cuteness Overload
Sick Nick
😢 Sad 😢


Nick - Sick

It was a Friday morning and I mean another 02.34am kind of morning and the guys had gotten themselves some McDonald's. Nick hadn't been feeling well all day and he didn't want to say anything as then they couldn't film their daily Friday YouTube video.

Nick had recently been getting lower stomach pains and they were getting worse. He had gotten into the car after going to the bathroom whilst the others were ordering their food in the driveway and like Nick himself he decided to just walk around the drive way at the perfect time. The midnight lady had decided to hand the food out and Nick had came along dandeting and grabbed it, making it look like a stealing crime. But Chris scrolled his eyes and said that's Nick no need to report him.

Nick suddenly opened the door and threw himself into the car. And as he did he had gotten a complete swarm of stomach pain. He held his stomach and dropped the food onto Matt's knees whilst he had driven along through towards the other end of the drive through.

Matt started to roar saying why would you even think of distracting the driver Nick taking it all serious but he was right in a way. Nick shouldn't have distracted the driver in general but he knew that and he also knew he just couldn't help it. With all the pain he was in he started to hold his breath and get some short breaths as well and he also started to make some slight painful sounding noises meaning the noises you would make when in pain.

Chris had locked eyes on him and he had just been looking at him as they had parked. In return, Matt threw Nick's food at him. Nick didn't catch it but later about 10 minutes after complete silence he picked it up as they started the vlog up. Matt and Chris had already started eating and we're actually almost finished their food whereas Nick had hidden some off his and took out 10 chips just to eat to make it look like he had already eaten his food.

They were about half way through the video where Nick had suddenly become quite tired and he was noticed by Chris and he asked Nick if he was alright as he'd been quiet unlike usual. He hadn't been this quiet in a while since he had gotten into the car.

He didn't reply but let out a noise to indicate that he was in great pain. This swarm of pain had never been this bad before ....

He later just said can we go to the hospital or something in a painful little tone. Matt and Chris eyed each other up and Chris paused the video whilst Matt had asked Nick what was the matter. Nick replied with I've been getting these unbearable stomach pains and I can't handle it anymore. Nick wasn't meant to tell them but he had had enough and he was on the edge with it.

He wasn't even being dramatic at this point as Matt drove him to get some medicine from the hospital.

They took him in as it was late and they didn't have any other people in the hospital for some reason even though it's America and people are always getting hurt but then again at this point it was 04:01am .

They took him in to do an overall check to which they found he had a liver infection. He was treated for it and had to stay overnight and Matt and Chris slept in the car and as soon as they got a phonecall they raced in to collect their brother from the hospital ward. They had removed the infection and they had put Nick onto some paracetamol for a while .

As they drove him Nick found the McDonald's and he just started to eat it as Chris called him discusting.

Nick replied back with aaaaaaaa nnnn dddd we're back with the insults already Chrissy ?

Yeah exactly Chris give him a break even though it's quite discusting the burger was $04.79 and the poor lads probably starving.

They all laughed it off and made a pact to not hide silly little but quite important things like this from each other anymore!

They ended with a usual cuddle snuggle cute on the cheeks kiss and a game off GTA !

Thank you.

764 words .

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