Chapter 11: Oh Canada

Start from the beginning

"Consider it done," Daiki agreed, the corners of his mouth lifting into a resolute smile. "But why am I not being sent after the two rogue Machs? Is there someone else tracking them?"

"Exactly," Ken confirmed. "If needed, we'll call on you to assist. But for now, your focus should be on retrieving the remaining Machs from the Japanese government."

"Understood, sir." Daiki nodded before ending the call.

As the screen went dark, Daiki's mind drifted back to when he first joined the DA in Vancouver, driven by his desire to make the world a better place. He had climbed through the ranks, eager to join the Supreme Court. But when he was told he didn't make the cut, his heart had shattered like fine china. That is, until Ken Stark appeared, offering him a chance to be part of something greater—the Mach project.

Daiki's hand found its way to the old MP3 player hidden in his safe. The seemingly unremarkable device was, in fact, Mach 6—his own powerful cybernetic suit. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that he wouldn't be chasing down the active Machs. Nevertheless, he knew his mission was crucial, and he would do whatever it took to complete it.

"Time to get to work," Daiki murmured, tucking the MP3 player into his bag. With each item he packed, his resolve grew stronger, fueled by memories of his journey thus far. As he zipped up his luggage, determination radiated from every fiber of his being. There was no room for doubt, only the unwavering certainty that he would see this mission through until the very end.


The dim glow of Hiro's computer screen cast eerie shadows on the walls of his small, cluttered bedroom in Osaka. He had been scouring the internet for hours, desperate for any sign of Mach 2's whereabouts. The powerful cybernetic suit's pilot had killed Mach 3 without a second thought at the warehouse, but for some reason, he hesitated before leaving Hiro. It was this hesitation that haunted Hiro, gnawing at the edges of his mind as he dug deeper into the digital abyss.

"Another fake sighting," Hiro muttered under his breath, clicking on yet another headline claiming to have spotted "the robot man" in Tokyo. Though there were countless articles like this one, most of them were clearly hoaxes or conspiracy theories, and none brought him any closer to finding Mach 2.

Weariness settled over Hiro like a heavy cloak, weighing down his shoulders and causing his eyelids to droop. He knew he couldn't give up—Mach 2 was out there, wreaking untold havoc with power that few could comprehend. But as the hours ticked by and his search continued to yield nothing of substance, hopelessness began to take root.

"Maybe it's time for a break," Hiro whispered to himself, rubbing his tired eyes. His thoughts drifted to Kimiko, wondering how she is doing after being kidnapped by Noboru. They hadn't spoken much since the incident with Mach 2, having agreed that it would be best if Hiro kept his distance lest the government discovered his connection with the powerful suit.

Hiro reached for his futuristic phone, its sleek surface cool and smooth beneath his fingers. As the phone rang, he braced himself for the conversation he knew they needed to have.

"Hey, Kimiko," Hiro said when she answered, trying to sound more cheerful than he felt. "Could you come over and help me look for Mach 2? I'm not having much luck on my own."

"Sorry, Hiro," Kimiko said, her voice soft yet firm. "I've got a ton of homework and chores to do. But I hope we can hang out soon. It's been too long."

"Definitely," Hiro agreed, his heart sinking. "I'd love that. Take care, okay?"

"You too, Hiro." And with that, the line went dead.

Hiro stared at the silent phone for a moment before setting it aside. Sighing heavily, he turned back to the computer screen, the familiar glow offering little solace. As he resumed his search, Hiro couldn't help but dwell on Mach 2's hesitation during their battle. What could have caused such a ruthless killer to falter?

"Damn it," Hiro cursed softly, frustration gnawing at him like a ravenous beast.


The moment the call ended, Kimiko's fingers clutched the phone tightly as her eyes narrowed. A determined fire ignited within her, fueled by the desire to never be a damsel in distress again. She had spent hours scanning online forums and visiting pharmacies in hopes of spotting Yutaka, the man with burns. She had seen Hiro talking to him and knew he had to be part of this. It was a fruitless endeavor so far, but she refused to give up.

Kimiko's mind wandered back to her terrifying encounter with Noboru, the feeling of helplessness still fresh in her memory. Her nightmares were haunted by his twisted grin and haunting laughter, an echo that made her shudder even now. She couldn't bear the thought of relying on someone else for protection; she needed to become her own hero.

Making her way through the bustling streets of Osaka, Kimiko entered a quaint cafe, seeking solace from her exhausting search. The warm aroma of coffee and pastries enveloped her as she found an empty table near the window. Nestling into the seat, she allowed herself a moment of respite, sipping her drink as her thoughts raced.

"Looking for me?" a voice interrupted her musings.

Startled, Kimiko looked up to see Yutaka sitting across from her, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses, his face adorned with the unmistakable scars of a burn victim.

"How did you know I was searching for you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper lest anyone overhear their conversation.

Yutaka smirked. "It's simple, really. I'm the smartest man in the room, and I've been keeping tabs on anyone close to Hiro. It wasn't difficult to discern your intentions."

Frustration bubbled within Kimiko, but she held her tongue, choosing instead to focus on her objective. "I need a Mach," she said, her tone hushed yet resolute.

Yutaka chuckled. "There are no more, unless you plan to break into a top-secret government facility and stealing one for yourself."

"Then you should remember how to create them. You were involved in their development, weren't you?" Kimiko insisted, her gaze unwavering.

"True, I helped design the cybernetic suits, but no one was allowed to know the entire process," Yutaka explained, his voice tinged with regret. "That was a necessary precaution to ensure the safety of the technology." He paused, his eyes flicking around the room before he continued, "My most significant contribution was the cloaking aspect that allows the Machs to appear like old, out-of-date technology."

As he spoke, Kimiko's eyes were drawn to an old Tamagotchi clipped to Yutaka's bag. The realization hit her like a lightning bolt, causing her heart to race with newfound determination.

"Yutaka, if you can't provide me with a Mach, then help me find another way to protect myself," she pleaded, desperation lacing her words. "I can't stand feeling powerless any longer."

For a moment, Yutaka studied her, scrutinizing the fire in her eyes. "A girl like you shouldn't get mixed up in any of this, you are a dangerous distraction for Hiro."

His words cut Kimiko like a knife, and so in that moment she decided to take matters into her own hands.

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