Thirty Three. (BOO!)

Start from the beginning

"Mhm! They call Toms The..." Ranboo wondered how to say the name. "Thee-see-uss!" He sounded it out slowly.

"That's right! They call Toms that all the time because Theseus was very brave, and he persevered through a very tough time." Techno began.

Ranboo moved closer, looking at Techno's face closely and listening carefully.

"So, There once was a king named Aegeus who decided to leave his kingdom called Athens and take a vacation to a place called Trozan. He met a really beautiful woman named Aethra, who was the princess of Trozan, and the two of them fell in love."

Techno was cut short by Kristen and the rest of their group finally entering the living room and announcing that they were ready to leave.

"But Tech was tellin' me 'bout Thee-see-uss!" Ranboo pouted.

"Boo, dont pout at us when you've been bugging everyone all day to go trick or treating. Im really glad you're interested, but It's starting now, so Techno will have to tell you the story at bedtime, okay?" Tubbo gently reminded the little.

Ranboo looked down at his toes and then walked over to Tubbo before grabbing ahold of his hand.

"Sowy, dada." He mumbled. "Jus' got 'cited."

"That's okay, little one. I'm not mad, just wanted to make sure you heard me and understood. It's okay if you're excited, baby."

Ranboo nodded, his smile returning to his face as the group finally trickled out into the street. He saw kids dressed in an array of costumes, but he secretly decided that his Dada's was the funniest.

Ranboo was quick to knock on every door with its porch light on, getting as much candy as he could in his cute little banana costume. Techno and Wilbur were collecting candy too, along with Bee, Olivia, Tommy, and Bill; however, Kristen, Phil, and Aimsey were more happy to just walk around with them.

Ranboo said trick or treat to every person with candy, and politely said thank you to them as well-- he knew better than to be rude to strangers!

His hands grew cold and he shivered a little as Kristen and Phil led them through all the best places to get candy, and some houses even handed out snacks!

They walked for about an hour and a half before Ranboo began yawning, shivering in his little banana costume and nearly dropping his bag.

"Dada... 'm tired." He said with a frown. "An' cold."

"I know, baby. We're heading home now." Tubbo smiled. "Did you have fun, though?"

Ranboo smiled back and nodded before letting Tubbo gently take his bag from him. He couldnt wait to get back to Phil's house and bundle up under the warm blankets so that Techno could tell him all about Theseus.

They trudged through the whole walk home, not fussing about it at all! (Okay, maybe they fussed a tiny bit).

They only whined once or twice, and their dada held their hand the entire way home! It was getting to be a little dark, and Ranboo silently wished to be on top of Techno's shoulders like Olivia was. Olivia looked really happy.

They were being strong, and they would get home safe because they had Phil and Tech and Wilbur and their Dada with them, and even Bee and Kristen and Toms and Aimee and even Bill!!

Bill and Tommy sounded like they were having a deep conversation about something, but the words jumbled up in Ranboo's mind and he couldn't comprehend them. His eyes drooped and he dragged his feet along the concrete in desperate attempts to stay awake.

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