A actor arised

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Why did he feel a pang whenever he saw James and Amos together? He wasn't sure. He wasn't supposed to be hurt by James seeing someone else. Hell, he couldn't actually be hurt by that! It wasn't fair, it wasn't possible, it couldn't be that way. Shouldn't be that way. Yet it was, and it was unfair and not helpful at all.

"Dude. Admit it, you have always admired James as an Idol, and now that you have met him in real life, realizing how he is even greater than on TV, you have developed a crush on him." Barty laughed as Regulus glared at him."I am just stating facts. Don't you glare at me for that."

Regulus hated to admit it, butBarty was right. Stupid Barty, for knowing his feelings. StupidSirius, for creating the situation in the first place. Stupid James,for being so stupidly handsome and nice and great and perfect. And fucking stupid idiot Amos, for getting James' attention and dating him. They were all stupid, so stupid.

"And of course you cant stand seeing Amos with James, because you wish you were seeing James instead of Amos." Regulus sighs, and Barty chuckles, "Honestly dude. Falling for your favorite Singer? Are we in some kind of badfan fiction?"

A pillow hit Barty straight inthe head. "Shut the fuck up, Crouch" Regulus growled,"I do not have a crush onJames. You're just delusional."

Barty laughed. He straight asslaughed. "I thought you were better at lying." He barely got thewords out while laughing. "You cant deny it, dude. You have got a big fat, huge crush on James Potter, the famous musician you have been fan-boying over for years."

"I absolutely have not beenfan-boying. I am sure that isn't even a real word. And I also have no crush on him. That is stupid of you to even think about." He scoffed.

Because, no absolutely not. Not in a million years. No. No. NO! He wouldn't admit to these very stupid and embarrassing feelings. Not if he would have to admit them to survive, not to please Barty, not for anything.

He could see that Barty was looking at him skeptically, but before her could say anything else, Remus entered the room and told them that James had news for Barty, Remus seemed confused, just as confused as Regulus felt. When he looked over at Barty, who seemed to be nervous and a bit exited. 

>>Oh god! What did he do now?<<

They left the room, to go toJames, yes Regulus decided to join them and figure out what Barty has asked of James now. They followed Remus to the living room where James was already sitting. Talking to someone on his phone. Regulus couldnt help but wonder who it was, an agent? Amos? A friend?

"Yes thank you again. Have a great day." James said hanging up the phone. His gaze fell upon the three boys and he smiled. "Thank you, Remus. Sorry again, that I even asked you to get them. I would've  done it myself,  but because of the call and all-"

"Its okay, James, really, I dont mind." Remus interoupted James, smiling warmely. James smiled back at him, Regulus could see the tension leaving his body at Remus'words. Why was he overthinking asking Remus to help him out?

"Oh okay, thanks again" James turned to Barty, "Well abkout your request, I talked to Alice. Her friend Emmeline is a movie producter who is currently working on a new movie. Alice had already in mind that I audition for one of the lead main roles, as my fans have apparently been posting a lot about wanting me in a movie again. She talked to Em and you have an adition spot for the second lead."

Barty's eyes grew wide. Regulus knew that it had been Barty's dream to act since they were kids, partley because it would annoy his dad and partley because he had always been passionate about it. In all honesty it shouldnt suprise Regulus that Barty asked James to take a lok into getting his career started, yet it still suprised him.

"Wait, really?" Barty exidetly asked.

James nodded. "Yeah, Alice will roll by later to discuss the details of the movie with us. Oh and she spoke of you with high clours so you have to be good, otherwise she will kill the both of us." James laughed, yet still seemed serious.

"Of course! Thank you so much" Regulus had never seen Barty so grateful for anything.

Regulus was hapy for Barty. Would he tell him that? No. Would he show it through smiling or a clasp on the back or anything? No. That was not his style. But Barty knew him well enough to understand that he was happy for him.

"Dont thank me, you only got the audition.  And that is what friends do, isnt it?" James laughed, and looked like he genuinly just did it because he wanted to help Barty to fulfill his dreams, not because he wanted something in return. 

That still confused Regulus, it was hard enough to find a person like that, but a celebrity? Regulus had always had thought of that as impossible. Yet here James was, the living, breathing, proof that those people, those celebrity's did exist.

Regulus almost couldnt supress his smile. But as he felt his lips turn upwards, he quickly stopped it. No way, he wasnt going to smile again. since James was here he smiled so much it was weird. And that wouldnt happen.

"Wow James it is really nice of you to do that." Remus said, sitting down next to James. He had a mug of Tea in his hand, and one of his usual grandpa sweaters on, Regulus was actually suprised that Sirius hadnt stolen that one yet.

"Again, thats just what friends do, isnt it?"  How was a person as genuinly good as James?! "I mean friends make things work out for eachother, help eachother, and give eachother things. And i just gave Barty and oportunity he asked me for."

He was onto something. That was in fact what  friends were supposed to do, yet it was hard to find good friends that actually do it, and mostly the things friends help out with arent as big life changing events, like getting someone an opportunity like playing in an Emmeline Vance movie!

The Emmeline Vance who is currently taking over the movie world with her movies, who barely ever gets bad reviews, who doubled the diversety on the big screens. If Barty got the role for that movie, the lead role for that movie what ever kind of movie it is, he would be fampous over night.

And no matter how much Regulus could do for Barty as a friend, nothing would turn out to be as life changing as James getting him this opportunity. Did James really not realize that? Did he honestly not realize how much of an positive inpact he not only had on Barty's, but all of their lifes, no on all of his fans lifes? Was that just what he usually does for people? Changing their lifes, turning it upside down, and making it better without noticing that he is doing that.


This chapter is really short, but honestly, i remembered i still had to START writing this chapter to post this week on thursday... so i guess it's alright. Anyway, I am doing my best to build up the story and to get into the thing a bit more. As this is already the (without introduction) ninth chapter, and we have so much started that needs to be done. AND I SWEAR I WILL. But patience, i have a plan. Is it a messy plan? 100%. But you guys will see. just trust the process.

Well I hope you liked this chapter despite the fact that it is not the longest and that i stressed myself the fuck out to write. I hope I see you next chapter.

Have a great day/good night.

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