First Date

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"I am not kidding!" Amos called out, laughing.

James went over to him. "You are honestly telling me that this thing," he pointed to a button on the light machine, "is called a push bottom?"

"No." Amos said, James looked up at him, smiling. "I said they are called push button. Not bottom."

"Yeah, yeah." James said he really enjoyed this. Talking with Amos backstage while practicing. Knowing that afterward, they would be going to a restaurant. They had to rent a private room, but that is just how James' live works.

"I think you should head back to the stage."

"Why? This is not even the one I will be performing on."

"Yes. But Alice seems mad, and I don't want her to bitch at me."

"Only thinking about yourself. " Amos shot him a look that clearly said 'leave'. "Fine. But only because I am taking you out for dinner later." James smiled and left to get back to the stage.

The practice was fun as always. James sang and talked and danced a bit. Just going through his Performance. Trying to please Alice.

He was very pleased with himself given the fact that he could convince her to quit practice early, just so he could go on his date with Amos.

They both had brought their date wear allredy with them, so they just had to change from what they were wearing now.

And sure, James had only met Amos yesterday. But, he was cute, nice, and handsome. Also, despite what Sirius thinks, they haven't slept with each other. James knew how dangerous it was, especially for someone like him, to sleep with people after you had just met them.

Amos just stayed over so they could plan their date, yes, very much like some lovesick teenage boys, to which Amos had agreed.

And again, yes, James is aware he has only just met Amos, as his light man, yesterday. But Peter will be at the back of the room, in case anything went wrong, and if it didn't work out with them, then it didn't. But that doesn't mean it wasn't worth trying. James also believed that Amos would be a great friend if it didn't end up working out.

Although James obviously hoped that it would work out. Because Amos was a great guy and James really liked him.


They entered the restaurant, lights flashing around them, Peter and some other bodyguards keeping away some not so nice paparazzi, that are trying to get close. James put his hand on Amos' back, offering his support. He knew how stressful this can be. Amos seemed a bit taken back but over all fine, which James was glad about.

They arrived at the room in the back, all alone, some candles standing on the only table.

James looked at Amos, he was wearing a brown suit, which he had gotten earlier that day. Really James told him that they didn't need to wear anything fancy, but as soon as Amos had seen the place they would be attending, he said that he needed a suit. So he went out and got one.

James wasn't sure how much money you made as a lights man, but the suit didn't look cheap, and he was sure it couldn't be a high enough salary to afford it.

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