Escalating Love

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When you arrive on the set of the sixth film, you say hi to Dan and also give him a kiss. Then you say hi to everyone else. You were so happy to be able to become Harry's girlfriend in the film. When you arrive on set to film the Burrow scene, you are happy to hold something while Dan bites it. You also enjoy the scene on the stairs where you tie his shoelaces.

The next day, you arrive to film the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes scene. You enjoyed working with the Phelps twins again, and then you shot the Love Potion scene. After that day of filming, you invited Dan to your house and you two kissed for a long time until Rupert and Emma came and interrupted the moment. You went downstairs and opened the door to let Rupert and Emma in your house. You four played truth or dare and of course Rupert and Emma made you and Dan kiss. Dan slept over and you two fell asleep cuddling.

The next day, you and Dan arrive on set together to film another few scenes. This day, you would film the scene where Harry runs to kill Bellatrix and Ginny chases after him. When Dan was standing in front of you to protect you, you felt happy.

The next day, Dan walks up to you and he says "Hi lovely," you respond "Hi Dan". You two talked for a few minutes and then Dan asked you out on a date!! You were so excited and couldn't wait till the evening.

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