The First Kiss

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You arrive at the fourth movie premiere, and say "Hi Dan". "Hi Y/N", you two both hug for a long time. After you say hi to everyone else, you get ready to sign some more autographs and take more pictures. After the premiere is over, you invite everyone to your house, and you all decided to play "7 Minutes in Heaven". Instead of putting items in a bag, people just pick and choose, and they obviously chose you and Dan to go. In the closet, you hear Dan say "Hi Y/N". You answer back "Hi Dan". "So, should we-" you were cut off and felt a tingling sensation in your lips. Dan was kissing you. He rapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck. Fire shot through your body. Your hands were playing with his hair, and when it felt like two minutes, you heard everyone say "Time's up love birds". You two left the closet and you held his hand for the rest of the night and wouldn't let go. This was your best night yet.

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