5. Baths and Bells

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Swirling madness had engulfed Astarion. Shrill cries bellowed in his ears as he soared into the void, hand in hand with Lae'zel. Even the indomitable Githyanki seemed worried by the sights that surrounded them—chaotic, otherworldly locations that defied all logic. Gale led their tiny bunch through that infinite whirlwind, his face grimacing in concentration, Shadowheart grabbing tightly to him with gritted teeth.

As the unnerving travel continued, and the hissing noise continued pounding his ears, Astarion grew aware of a presence. Someone was observing them. He'd seen those rageful, malicious eyes in the Githyanki creche—Queen Vlaakith. She raised a gigantic hand, preparing to grab them—or swipe them off to oblivion.

"Waterdeep! We need a new course."

"Yes, I'm on it!" The wizard waved his free hand, and they all shifted right, dodging the Lich Queen's astral swipe. "Tsk'va!" She said, scowling, but soon the imposing absolute ruler faded from view.

"Tsk'va indeed," Lae'zel muttered, although her voice was shaky. Astarion began to sigh in relief when another sight made him gasp. A second figure emerged from the storm. Illithid in appearance, but far larger than any he'd encountered. A ruby-imbued circlet crown adorned the eldritch horror's forehead, its tentacles were like snaking rivers, and its glowing eyes burned right through him, flaunting psionic authority. The tadpole screamed and fled through his brain, triggering a splitting headache.

"Bleeding hells," Astarion said, struggling to stay conscious. Liz clutched his hand, perhaps unaware, her face also twisting in pain.

A legion of shadowy fish-headed beings flocked to the colossal horror. While their master remained beyond the turbulent ether, they flew—or rather swam—toward the party.

"Hold on!" Gale said. The void whirlwind spun wildly. Everyone yelled, hands grasping in desperation, until a wall slammed into Astarion's face....

When his vision cleared up, he was lying face down on a stone floor. Glowing torches cast an even, flameless light on a lavishly decorated chamber. Long curtains, mixing deep purple with red, hung from the walls, with cushiony couches between them. A long mahogany table stood in the middle, covered in plates laden with fruit and treats. A single exit led to a hallway, but they seemed to have emerged out of nothing.

"GET OFF ME!" Lae'zel pushed Astarion.

"I was going to, anyway," he said, rubbing his aching ribs. "Where are we, Waterdeep?"

Gale rose to one knee. "I'm afraid I'm equally clueless. Someone has interfered with our trajectory through the astral realms."

"The giant squid?"

"No, that thing wanted to capture us—not feed us."

"Unless it wished to fatten..." Footsteps sharpened Astarion's senses. He leaped to his feet, drawing the rapier. The others had similar reactions, although they couldn't match his speed.

A shapely blonde stepped through the entrance, dressed in a flowing black gown. A necklace of gleaming rubies adorned her swan-like neck, complementing her long, shiny hair. Every curve of her body was a pleasure to behold.

"Welcome," she said in a voice like a siren's song, smiling with emerald eyes and cherry lips. "My mistress sends her regards."

"Who is this mistress?" the wizard said as he took the front, his staff glowing with magic light. Shadowheart and Lae'zel stood uneasy, weapons pointing at the sensuous hostess.

"She will see you soon, Gale Dekarios. She... missed you."

Metal clanged on the stone floor—Gale's staff had slipped his grip. "Mystra?!"

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