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The stormtroopers have every blaster on me as I crush Terex's throat but no one is game to pull the trigger without being given the order. Unfortunately for them Terex isn't quite in the position to give any, his eyes turning red and his skin blue as I draw it out. Although before I can land a killing blow we're interrupted.

"Alright that's enough!" Poe yells out, coming down with his hands up and I jump a little at the interruption but don't release Terex, and Poe's voice is thick with panic the moment he realises what I'm doing. "Let him go so we can talk."

"I think he's done enough talking," I grit out, knowing that if Terex says one more word I might just kill him, but Poe meets my eye as he carefully lowers my outstretched hand and shame replaces my anger.

"Hope," he says, his voice neutral enough that I do release Terex and not wanting to look at Poe's face I keep my head down and stash the holoprojector in my gear satchel. Poe steps between us to mediate and he's careful not to let judgement or shock come through his voice even if I can still feel it. "You're right, he has done enough talking." He puts a hand out to keep me back and looks towards Terex. "Which is why he's going to walk out of here right now and not look back."

"Well, Poe Dameron," Terex wheezes, a slight smile coming to my face as he struggles for breath but he still doesn't let go of his act. "I'm surprised to see that you're the one giving little Miss Vader here orders, but then again, I'm also curious to know why you think you can tell me to do anything at all. Seems like I've got all the leverage here my new friend."

"Funny you should mention that," Poe says and it seems that while I was being tormented he came up with a plan after all, but whether or not he believes what he heard... that is what leaves a tremble in my hands. "We didn't come here alone. I've got a squadron up on the surface, pretty much the best starfighter pilots in the galaxy and just before I walked down here I gave them an order, I asked them to get me some leverage." I look at him now in mild concern, completely unaware of where this is going. "So you might think you've got it all under control, that you've got the upper hand, and maybe you do down here until the Jedi with anger issues decides to take it out on you again. Because if you fire one shot at those people I won't be stopping her, but I'll tell you this right now, you aren't seeing the bigger picture."

I tilt my head towards Poe now in surprise that he isn't as phased as he should be, that maybe... maybe he believes I am innocent in what Terex has accused me of.

But I don't plan to be very innocent by the time this is over.

"Does that mean I kill him?" I ask, saber in hand and impatient to end this, knowing that the rule of engagement has technically been broken by them and that I have every right to strike him down with no consequences besides my own mother's anger.

"Depends on what Agent Terex here does," he says and I can be content with that. "Looks like we've got a stalemate here, pal."

But just as he says those words an explosion from above breaks through the roof of the cavern and fire cascades through, I'm not precisely sure what the hell is going on up there or how this is meant to help us but Poe seems to have been expecting it. But where there's fire...

"Stalemate?" Terex questions. "Oh I don't know about that."

"I do," I say and look at the egg, feeling that whatever's inside is ready to come out and pull Poe back as I use the force to send the flames through the cave much to the horror of the screaming Creche and even Poe yells at me but stops when he sees the flames going around the egg, protected by the force.

But the stormtroopers aren't.

Poe stands there with his lips parted as several catch flame whilst the others rush for cover and it's enough that Terex reconsiders his strategy as the stormtroopers hit the ground, rolling to put out the flames as the explosion dissipates.

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