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Twenty minutes later with R2 by my side I come to the hangar, wondering just who else Poe's chosen for this squadron since I'd neglected to ask. I'm anxious until I see Snap and L'ulo there, and find myself pleasantly surprised to see two women there as well who look to be in their late and early twenties respectively. 

"Look at you guys, looking good, looking tough," Poe says, voice filled with pride and excitement, a dash of nervous energy there. Snap tilts his head towards me and brings me to Poe's attention and he grins when he sees me there in my flight suit, my helmet tucked under my arm. "Alright guys, we've got one more member of Black Squadron who some of you already know, meet Hope Solo."

"Hi," I greet, and Snap and L'ulo nod towards me whilst the blonde woman I'd seen talking to Poe in the mess not long ago raises her eyebrows at him in question and he shrugs, although I can't quite understand the context it isn't malicious, rather surprised, almost teasing. 

"Solo, you already know Snap and L'ulo," Poe says bringing me over, thankfully not leaving me to make the introductions myself. "Alright next is Karé Kun, Jessika Pava and our technician Oddy Muva."

"Hello," I say again, shaking each of their hands and realise I hadn't quite adequately prepared myself for meeting new people. 

"Good to see you on the team Solo," Snap tells me, at least him and L'ulo are familiar presences. 

"It's been a while since I've flown with one in the field," L'ulo says and Snap echoes the sentiment. 

"Can't say I've missed it."

I can't help but laugh with him, having heard those stories.

"Well, I can't blame you there," I say, although they both know I fly just like him. "It's good to see you L'ulo."

I turn to the younger of the two women, a girl with olive skin and black hair, remembering Snap having pointed her out to me in the mess. "Jessika?"

"Call me Jess," she says and I can sense some nervousness from her too. "Don't mind me but since we'll be flying together is it true that you're a Jedi like Luke Skywalker?"

"Oh yep," Poe says after I'd slammed the door in Threepio's face. "Although maybe a different sort of Jedi."

Poe isn't quite wrong there and I can't help the warmth that comes to my face as I meet his eye, feeling my lightsaber on my utility belt as I look back at the girls. 

"Jess here's a big fan of those stories," Karé explains. "Although I'd be hard pressed to find anyone in our generation who isn't, they say Luke Skywalker's the best starpilot in the galaxy."

"I have him beat there don't worry," I assure her, knowing damn well I'm not going to be second to Luke when it comes to flying and look at R2 who rightfully backs me up. "Haven't blown up a death star yet, but we'll see what the First Order's cooking up."

"Surely they can't be stupid enough to build a third one," Snap scoffs.

"Oh you'd be surprised," I say, knowing at least part of their leadership personally to affirm that yes, they would be, and ask the girls. "Did you come from the Navy?"

"Karé was part of my squadron," Poe explains to me, she'd be just a little younger than Poe, the same age as Ben, whilst Jess only looks slightly older than I am. Both are striking in their own ways, although Karé's slightly more intimidating being that bit older. "She and another pilot came over when we defected, she's had my back against the First Order in the field that's for sure."

"Oh yep, been itching to get back out there," Karé says and looks at Poe as she says "Meanwhile Poe's told us all about what he's seen you do in the field."

Fire Meet Gasoline | Poe DameronUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum