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The next morning, Carly and Freddie wake up to a new day filled with hope and determination. As they prepare for the Zoom meeting, the uncertainty still lingers, but their commitment to each other remains unwavering. Together, they navigate the challenges that lie ahead, finding strength in their love and the support they offer one another. The Zoom meeting becomes a pivotal moment in shaping their future, and they discover that, no matter the outcome, facing these decisions as a team only strengthens the bond they share.

Freddie: (stretching) Good morning, Carly. Ready to face the day?

Carly: (rubbing her eyes) Morning, Freddie. As ready as I can be, I guess. That Zoom meeting is on my mind.

Freddie: (sitting up) We'll tackle it together. Whatever happens, our love is the constant that sees us through.

Carly: (smiling) You always know how to reassure me, Freddie. Thank you.

Freddie: (getting out of bed) Well, it's true. Now, how about we start the day with something positive? Maybe breakfast?

Carly: (nodding) Breakfast sounds good. Let's focus on the small joys today.

Freddie: (heading to the kitchen) Small joys it is. What do you feel like having?

Carly: (following him) Pancakes, maybe? A comforting breakfast before diving into the day.

Freddie: (getting ingredients) Pancakes it is. I'll whip up our favorite recipe.

Carly: (sitting at the table) You know, Freddie, even in the midst of all this uncertainty, having you by my side makes it a little more bearable.

Freddie: (pouring batter) Likewise, Carly. We'll get through this, one pancake at a time.

Carly: (smirking) And a Zoom meeting later. But yes, one step at a time.

Freddie: (flipping pancakes) Carly, no matter what challenges we face, I want you to know that I'll always be by your side.

Carly: (smiling) That means everything to me, Freddie. It's reassuring to have your support, especially when things are uncertain.

Freddie: (placing pancakes on a plate) We're a team, Carly. Whether it's navigating job opportunities, planning our wedding, or facing the unknown, we do it together.

Carly: (appreciative) I couldn't ask for a better partner, Freddie. Your reassurance and love mean the world to me.

Freddie: (sitting down with the pancakes) Here's to facing the day with a positive mindset and tackling whatever comes our way.

Carly: (raising her fork) Cheers to that, Freddie. And pancakes, of course.

Freddie: (smiling) Pancakes and love, the perfect combination.

Freddie: Carly, I've been thinking about something from our past. Back in school, in the basement after we left Gibby's restaurant, I asked if it was too late for you to love me. Your response... it made me wonder, did you actually have some feelings for me back then?

Carly: (reflecting) Freddie, that day was complicated. I remember it vividly. When you asked if it was too late for me to love you, I... I responded like I was interested because, well, I was. But it was a confusing time, and I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship.

Freddie: (thoughtful) It was a lot to process back then, and I get that. But looking back, I can't help but wonder if there was something more between us, even then.

Carly: (softly) Freddie, there were moments, feelings that went beyond friendship. But we were young, and I was scared to take that step. I didn't want to risk losing you.

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