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Carly an Freddie an Sam return from webicon with their rewards however Freddie gets a big job opportunity as a tech guy causing him to potentially have to leave Seattle leaving Carly emotionally and worried about their wedding on June 4th Carly is worried to be without Freddie for a few weeks

As Freddie excitedly unpacked his Webicon rewards, a surprise job offer landed on his lap—a tech opportunity that could take him far from Seattle. Carly, torn between joy for Freddie's success and worry about their upcoming June 4th wedding, grappled with the prospect of him being away for weeks. Emotions swirled as decisions about love and career collided in their intertwined lives.

Freddie hesitated for a moment as he stared at the email on his phone, a job opportunity that could reshape his career. He glanced at Carly, who was enthusiastically sorting through their Webicon rewards.

Freddie: (internal debate) Maybe I should hold off on telling Carly about this job offer. It could change everything.

Carly: (excitedly) Freddie, look at all the cool stuff we got! I can't believe we won the grand prize!

Freddie: (forcing a smile) Yeah, it's amazing. Hey, Carly, there's something I need to talk to you about, but let's enjoy the moment first.

Carly: (curious) Talk? What's up?

Freddie: (choosing words carefully) Well, I got an email about a job opportunity, a big one. It might require me to be away for a while.

Carly: (concerned) Away? How long is "a while," Freddie?

Freddie: (vague) It's not set in stone yet, but it's a significant career move. I didn't want to bring it up just yet because, well, I wanted us to enjoy Webicon and all this excitement.

Carly: (worried) Freddie, you know we're planning our wedding for June 4th. What does this mean for us?

Freddie: (pausing) I'm not sure, Carly. I wanted to discuss it with you before making any decisions. This opportunity could be a game-changer for us, but I need to weigh everything carefully.

Carly: (emotionally) Freddie, we're a team. We make decisions together. Don't keep things from me. Let's face this together, whatever it is.

Freddie: (softly) You're right, Carly. I just didn't want to overwhelm you. Let's sit down and talk about our options, our future.

Freddie: Carly, I know things are uncertain right now with this job opportunity, but I want you to know that I'm confident our wedding will happen on time.

Carly: (looking uncertain) Freddie, how can you be so sure? What if this job means you'll be away for weeks, or even longer?

Freddie: (assuringly) I understand your concerns, Carly. But no matter what happens with this job, our wedding is a priority for me. I've been looking forward to it as much as you have, and I won't let anything jeopardize that.

Carly: (hesitant) It's just hard not knowing, Freddie. What if something comes up, and you can't make it back in time?

Freddie: (smiling) I get it, Carly. And I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to make sure I'm there on June 4th. This job is an opportunity, but our wedding is a commitment I won't take lightly.

Carly: (softening) I want to believe you, Freddie. I just don't want our special day to be overshadowed by uncertainties.

Freddie: (earnestly) I understand, Carly. We'll navigate this together. We can start making contingency plans, just in case, but I truly believe that our love and commitment will see us through, no matter what challenges come our way.

Carly: (smiling) Okay, Freddie. I trust you. Let's focus on preparing for the wedding and tackle whatever comes our way as a team.

Freddie: (grateful) That's all I want, Carly. Our love is strong, and nothing will stand in the way of our happiness.

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