Leo X Reader: A Reality Check

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You would have asked Raph but he seemed really mad and you didn't want those Ninja stars embedded in anywhere other than that wood in the dojo.. or the dummy.

With a sigh, you get out into the world and close the manhole before you started home. That's when you saw the time and your eyes grew wide.

"Crap I'm gonna be late!" You cursed as you began to run home. Against your better judgment, you took a shortcut through the alleyways.

As if fate wanted to punish you, the Purple Dragons showed up. You groaned. "Seriously?" You scream as you look up. It confused the Purple Dragons, but they didn't stop approaching you.

"Hey hot stuff, you're in our alley." The one you assumed was the leader said as he cornered you to the wall. You did take lessons from Leo, but you two were on the basics - not to the point where you could take on the Purple Dragons.

"Get away from me you jerk." You say as you tried to push him away. He grabbed your hands and shoved you against the wall, holding up two hands with one of his and taking the other to your neck with a knife.

"You're gonna listen to me you little bitch." He growled in your ear and you felt scared for the first time. Normally you weren't ever scared about getting into trouble. You knew Leo would save you. But if he was thinking about some Foot Clan girl... someone who could take care of herself. You had no chance.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" You screamed out loudly. You lifted your knee quickly and kneed him in the wrong spot. He let go just enough for you to squirm out from him and the wall and take off running. You took out your T-Phone as you ran and tried calling Leo.

No answer.

You tried Raph next. Same thing.

Finally you called Donnie and he answered, sounding a little annoyed.

"D-Donnie! Help!" You got out and risked a glance behind you only to shriek when they threw a trash can lid at you. You duck and take a sharp turn right as you run.

"(Y/N)!! What's wrong?" Donnie was automatically less annoyed.

"Walking home... alone.. late... alley.. shortcut..PURPLE DRAGONS BEHI-AHHH!" You were tackled from behind and your T-Phone skidded across the ground. You were yanked around and pinned to the ground. You whimpered a little.

"Who did you call you little brat? Was it the police?" The guy growled, his knife to your throat.

"N-Not the police." You manage to get out, hardly breathing.

Donnie's POV

I was worried when (Y/N) called, and I was confused when you said you were walking home alone. I instantly went to wake up the others, but Leo wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Okay, so I traced her signal to an alley just off of Fourth street. Where the heck is Leo? He always walks her home!" I say as I look at Raph and Mikey, who looked just as confused as I was.

"I don't know but we need to get (Y/N) away from the Purple Dragons. She can't fight them off and Leo will-" Raph stopped and then his hand went to his face. "Crap." He said before taking off. I follow with Mikey close behind.

As we begin to go to save (Y/N) I call Leo. More than once. He finally picked up but he seemed more agitated than ever.

"What do you want, Donnie? I'm kind of busy." Leo growled over the phone.

I roll my eyes. "Well, I'm glad you're too busy to answer the phone!" I shout.

Leo grumbled some words before he hung up. He didn't even let me tell him why I called!

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