May i introduce. P. Or P P if you want

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"Well thank you for bringing me here. It really was a difficult way." said Hans Christian Andersen. "You say that while i carried you here because you didn't want to walk." said Fujimaru while his bones could be heared cracking when stretched himself. "Well you know that i am slower in this body then everyone else." said Hans. "Oh god. Now simply resting would be nice." said Mordred before laying herself, still in armor, on the couch.

"Well that has to wait. Jack the Ripper is back and placed Scotland Yard under Siege instead of murdering women." said Jekyll. "Welp nothing like breaking through a good siege to get the old funny bone back to working." said Knight and stretched his back. "Welp that means another notch on the belt." said Mordred. "Well we have to help them is suppose." said Gudako. "Absolutely." said Fujimaru. 

"But make sure to take your deserved rest little bro. So G party and Knight lets go!" said Gudako excited. "Welp atleast something better then escort missions for once." said Knight. "Hey i was just born 15 minutes later then you!" said Fujimaru angry. "Okay i stay here with Senpai Fujimaru here." said Mash. "Well the best single target, a good mid to long range and a massive aoe attack class servant all in one team. That will be awesome!" said Gudako excited. 

"This reminds me." said Knight and gave Fujimaru three runestones. "What are those?" asked Atalante. "Well those are runestone build in a day that they explode in five seconds when you put in some magical energy. Well those are all i have at the moment and i have to rewrite them every time with blood. So those are all the bombastical wonders i can give in case you get attacked." said Knight. 

"Why don't i get a few bombs?" said Gudako pouting. "Because you have your own bombs and in terms of explosive i only have one onmyoji spell left." said Knight. "Yeah that tracks." said Gudako while Hassan exstinguished a fuse on a stick of dynamite she held in her hands. "Where did she get that explosive?" asked Knight confused. "Don't ask. It will only drive you insane." said Atalante while preparing the rations for the two master when they return.

"well you need a guide there so time for a bit more action. Come on Hans." said Mordred. "Nope. I will stay right here. I am an author not a fighter." said Hans Christian Andersen. "Fine. Be it that way." said Mordred to mentally exhausted to fight with Andersen. "We have to go fast so can one of you carry your master while we are making our way to scotland yard." said Mordred. Immeadetly picked Hassan her up and put Gudako on his shoulders. "And onward my loyal steed!" said Gudako playfull and happy on King Hassans shoulders.

"Knight. Mordred. Could you destroy possible barricades while mom gives you support from the back? You two are much better front and aoe fighters so that will make things easier." said Gudako "Ok boss." said Knight and off they ran.

"Enemys infront of us." said Gudako from her higher point of view. "Got it!" said Knight and pulled out his sword to rip through the first Helterskelter. "hey i am two above you!" said Mordred after decapitating two automata in one strike while she continued to run to scotland yard. "Count again!" said Knight while letting go of a burst of flames incinerating three enemies at once while following Mordred.

"Gudako i have more info on those Helter skelters you fought. From whatever miracle we caused to reconstruck them we now know that they are no magical golems but steam powered machinery like a steam robot, which in itself is really cool. Like imagine a giant steam mecha." said Roman excited. "Yeah that would be really cool. Like real life steam powered super sentai!" said Gudako excited. 

"Roman fokus! We can fokus on the mecha obssesion of you two later" said Davinci while slurping on a cup of coffee. "Yeah right sorry. Anyway the technology they used to create them is still unknown till even now. What we have her is a real life steam powered robot." said Roman before looking at Knight and Mordred seing how they compete to see who can cut down more enemys. 

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