The Blade

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When we came back to europe everything was at war. The skys were a constant grey. The ground was soaked in piss and blood. The church had pulled down many of the tempeles of my friends. To make long story short. It was hell and with more and more people going on a hunt for "monster" it got difficult to hide. We almost got caught at some point would it not have been for the kind dragonslayer Siegfried. He covered us until we were out of town when he gave us a helping hand.

Humanity has regressef immensely at this point but it still gave birth to many heroes. When we traveled through the lands all we saw was poverty and death while the lords themselve grew fatter and fatter in the farther regions of a kingdom while the closer to the capital it gets the people had more happiness but the politics and the backstabbing also grew.
Most royals were nothingnbut harsh old cruel men who simply wanted to a mass more and more powers. Some of the warrior sinply grew bolder while others were simply apathetic to the people of the lower stands.

While i simply wanted to call humanity a failure of colosal proportions rosa still tried to see the good in people. How ever small and non existent it was.
She wanted me to do that too so i became a knight. She thought it would have been funny to call me Knight the knight in shining silver armor and kinda stuck with me sure i still searched for a sword that would fit me so Rosa searched for the best blacksmith ever.

And she did find the dwarf. His name was Siderit. So me, in my armor and coat, traveled with rosa, in her white dress, to the dwarven smith Siderit. We did not know that the king from the next kingdom put a bounty on fairys. So you could say we were surprised that when we were seeing the smith house in the distancen suddenly a bunch of punks came.
"Give us all your money!" they shouted and to which i responded" i am gonna go with no."The leader did something with his left hand then when he heard that.
I never saw the bolt comming. It was not even aimed at me. It was aimed at rosa. The reason why the king wanted the fairies was not because he wanted to hold them like slaves. No he killed them because they transform into a piece of magical wood when they die.

And while we maybe gods we can still die a death by violence. So when i saw Rosa being launched out of my hood with a bolt going out of her stomach this was the first time that i felt fear for someone else then myself. 

The bolt cleanly exited her tiny stomach. I caught her before she hit the ground and held her close to me while i ripped myself throught these bastards with the free hand and the fire it produced. With a giant blast of blue flames coming out of my left hand i burned myself through their lines amd took hold of the leader of the group whom i dragged over the half kilometer of stony road as fast as i could to the black smith. I thought againnst all odds that she still had a chanche.
When Siderit opened the door the leader was nothing but half a corpse and a smear on the way. He saw how dire the situation was and let us in without a second word.

"Hey. how are you?"asked my travel companion. "G-g-good. but please you..." i tried to say but then she said weakly."we both know it is fatal so when i die can you do me a favour?" she asked.
"Anything for you, my love." i, Knight, said. "When i die please use me for the handle. I want to travel a bit longer with you. Maybe protect humanity with you." she said with a weak smile. "Yes but this will be far away. You can continue travel on my shoulder. I will build you a small cabin! Anything! As long as you stay." i pleaded with her and fate. "Oh you big dummy. i will not be gone. I will just not be able to talk to you that is all." she said while she then fully turned in to a round cylindrical piece of wood.

"Can you make a longsword for me with these materials." i asked the smith while i gave him all the materials i collected over my travels. The steel of the fairys, the flame of hestia and now the would of a dead friend. "y-yes i can. It would need a few days but i can." said the dwarf.  "Good" i said emotionless and took the sword of their leader.

In the next few days i hunted down the king of the country who created all this burned him a big hole in his fat belly after i saw him eating from a dishnmade out of fairy wood. The nobles even helped me because nobody in the kingdom liked the fat pig of a king. When i returned Siderit was finished. It was a long sword with a wooden polished handle, a straight long blade, which felt warm even when it was in the forge, and a simple crossguard with inlays of a darker metal forming a flame like muster. "all it needs now is name?"said the dwarf.  I remembered how rosa always called me a knight in shining silver armor.

"I think i call my blade Silver." i said when held the newly named Silver. It felt just right this time to hold a sword.

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