chapter 6

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Amelia stumbled around with tears as she didn't know where in part of the ship she was as she Looks around the hallway she was sin alone "anybody"she calls as she hears water before turning to I see water move over the floor as she runs off scared.

She skids to a halt as water was coming from the other end she looked around before quickly climbing onto shelve to get away the water as she crys in fear.

Rose turns "listen"she tells jack as they her crying before she rushed through an entrance as in nee high water as she sees a shaking Amelia on top of the shelf crying."Amelia!"she yells making the little girl look up with blood shot eyes and a tear stained face.

"Rose! Jack!"she says in shock before the two adults rushed over through the water"come on I gotcha"rose says picking up Amelia in her arm they needed to get out of her and fast as water was feeling up fast as they run off as they didn't know if Lovejoy was still following them.

The dining room was now half way flooded as Chairs and dishes float as the ship creaks.

They run through many halls before hearing a little boy crying they turn seeing a young boy crying"we can't leave him jack"she says breathing hard before they share a look rose tightened her grip on Amelia before the two rushed forward as jack picks up the crying boy as water was dripping rapidly from the ceiling as they heard creaking as they three look at a set off double doors with dead as water was spilling through the cracks.

They turn running the other way before sliding to a stop both exits were flooded as they try to find a another way out lights flashing with sparks before a older man runs around a corner as he glare at jack as he takes his son yelling in a different language as he runs past them towards the flooded doors that were about to Burst.

"It's the wrong way come back!"jack yells as they follow before they all freeze Amelia looks up at the door as it was heard cracking before it burst open as rushing ice water swallows the man and children as Amelia cry's in fear before Rose holds onto Amelia tightly as she and Jack try to our run the rushing waters as the electricity flashes.

The water sweep jack and rose off there feet as Amelia lets out a scream of agony as the water hits her full force it was like dozen of needles stabbing her all over as the three splash around as the water carried them before they smack right into a closed gates.

"It hurts!"Amelia cry's in agony as the water pounds on her little body. Jack quickly picks up the little girl as he holds her tight as he and rose move through the rapid waters before they rush up a set off stairs.

"Dont worry your gonna be alright"jack says as Amelia clings to him in fear as they run up to another locked gate while rose and jack beg him to help Amelia sees the water flooding up"jack! Rose!"the water is still coming!"she cry's in fear as her wet hair lays in ringlets.

True to her words the water floods over the water as it rises over to there waist as the steward drops the keys as the electricity cackles from a light as it flashed repeatedly "I'm sorry I dropped the keys"he says before leaving them.

"Please come back!"Amelia cry's as jack looks to rose and Amelia who was crying in fear before taking a deep breath ducking down as he reached down feeling for the keys as the water was up to smiles chest as rose trys to keep her above water as much as possible before she goes underneath screaming in pain as water feels her lungs as air bubbles surround her before the gated Opens as jack unlocked the gates.

Amelia thrashed around in the water having been separated from rose who breaks through surface with jack"jack Amelia!"she shouts with worry gasping as jack goes back under seeing Amelia thrashing around with air bubbles she couldn't swim he wraps an arm around her little waist before they break through the surface "don't worry I got you"he says breathing hard as Amelia wraps her small arms around his shoulders as he swims to the stairs were rose was waiting before they quickly climbed them.

Up top the first class deck was flooding as many people panic running either through the ice water or away from it as some crew men were getting a lift boat down from beside one of the funnels the boat rocked back and forth before break the sticks it was supposed to slide down as it tumbles with a crash before the crew men hurryly get the boat ready.

Murdock Rushed over to were the stairs that lead down were quickly flooding they were running out of time"get these davits cranked in then get the falls hooked up!"he ordered as they hurry to do so.

Cal runs out a side entrance door as he was breathing heavily before following the people that were running to the closet lifeboat.he trys to look over before step on a large pipe pulling him self on looking ahead before turning seeing a lost frightened little girl crying in a corner he looks at her with a thought before sighing shaking his head moving forward.

Jack and rose rush up some stairs as Amelia lays her head down on jacks shoulders her skin was pale as her lips were light blue as she shivers. Up above the captaind and crew quarters were completely on the water many have already lost there life's to sea as the crew man hook up the last boat"stop pushing!"Murdock orders pushing back many historical men as a crew manager falls to the icey waters with a scream as one holds onto the rope.

Murdock holds a gun as the officers where holding back everyone as Tommy glares at Murdock "will you give us a chance you limey bastard!"he yells.

"I'll shoot any man who tries to get paste. Get back!"Murdock yells as cal pushed his way through"we had a deal damn you"he says as Murdock pulls the money out that cal put in his pockets earlier on as he throws it back at cal"your money can't save you more then it can save me. Get back!"he says shoving cal back as the crowd was getting louder before a man trys to get past but was shot down. Tommy was accidentally pushed forward as he was shot in the chest.

Tommy fell back against Fabrizio who catches his friend "Tommy! No Tommy bastardo!"he yells glaring at Murdock who was in shock that he just took an innocent life as Tommy's life leaves from his eyes as blood runs down the floor.

Murdock looks at every single one of them as he backs up before saluteing as a fellow officer looks up as he sees what his friend was about it do when Murdock puts the gun to his temple "no will!"he says but it was to late as will shot him self in the heads as people scream before his body falls to the ice water with a smack.

Cal stand sin shock as the crowd tries to move forward before shaking him self out his shock before rushing back to were that little girl was. He quickly picks her up before pushing through the crowd "let me through I have a child! I have a child!..please I'm all she has in the world"he says as the officer sighs before letting him through as he then asked for women and children as he and the child get on one of the last boats as he trys to calm tye crying child.

"Come on"jack says as he holds Amelia in one arm while helping rose walk through the smoke room as the ship was literally tilting making gravity pull on them before rose sees Mr Andrews "jack wait"she says before walking over to Mr Andrews who stands at a fire place with guilt as he stares into the fire.

"Mr Andrews"she says Amelia hugs on to jack as she lays her head weakly against his shoulder as she felt her self being put down onto her feet as she sways "whoa"jack says as Amelia starts to fall backwards as he catches her with worry before gently tapping her face waking her up some "come on Amelia you got to stay with us we're almost out of her"he says with worry as rose helps her out on a life vest as she now wears one before she jogs holding jacks hand as the three run forward.

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