Chapter 4

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Molly turns towards Ruth"come on Ruth first class seats are right here"she says before the officer helps Ruth into the boat carefully.

"You know it's a pity I didn't keep that drawing it'll be worth alote more by morning "cal says with a smile as rose then realized as a flare was short into the sky he set jack up"you unimaginable bastard "she whispered before making a decision she was going to save jack as she turns to talk to Serena but noticed the little girl gone as her eyes widen in worry she must have went to look for jack and her grandfather.

Molly then turns towards rose"come on Rose darling there's plenty of room for you"she says as rose stay in place as Ruth looks at her daughter with a firm look"rose get into the boat"she says.

Rose stares at her mother for moment before making the final decision "goodbye mother"she says leaving a shocked Ruth calling out to her daughter as the boat was starting to lower.

Serena stays close to jack as there water was higher and it was getting colder in the room "don't worry everything is going through be okay Serena we are getting out of her alive"jack says comforting the scared little girl.

"Jack! Serena!"rose was heard yelling in the distance making the two look at each other before jack racks his cuffs against the pipes "rose!"he shouts before splashing was heard as rose waddles through the water that was up to her thighs as she sighs in relief seeing the two okay as she kissed Jack passionately"I knew you didn't do it jack"she says before pulling Serena into a hug"and you don't ever go off on your own do you here me"she says hugging Serena tightly who nods her head sniffleing.

Rose then sees jacks cuffs "Rose listen you're going to have to find a spare key all right looking at cabinet right there it's a little silver one rose"jack says as rose waddles over to the cabinet as she opens but she looks at all the keys they were all brass ones "these are all brass ones"she says worried.

"Check right here rose"he says nodding his head at the desk as Serena hugs his waist. Rose waddles over to the desk yanking the drew out as she digs through it but there was no key"ros your gonna have to find help we'll be ok just hurry "he says as she nods her head before waddling out the room to look for help.

By now the ships bow was groaning as it slowly goes under as officer were rushing loading the life boats while giving out orders.the captain walks over to the gun rail as he looks down as water was spilling over onto the rest of the bow deck before looking up as a flare explodes in the sky the ship was flooding in different parts within each level.

It had been a few minutes Serena hugs jack tighter as the creaking was heard from the ship before splashing was heard as rose walks in with an axe as she shakes from the cold"will this work"she asked shaking.

"It's gonna half to but practice on that cabinet first"jack says as rose makes to different marks but it was close enough as she walks as best as she can in the waist deep water"I trust you rose"he says before he and Serena close there eyes before there was a clank as rose cut through the cuffs"you did it"jack says kissing rose before hopping down into the water"shit this is cold'he says before turning to Serena"you need to hold on as tight as you can on me alright we won't let anything happen to you "he says picking up the little girl as she wraps her arms around his shoulders as he holds her on his back as he hooks his arms under her legs before the three leave the flooding room.

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