Chapter 1

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A little girl wearing a yell sun dress with ruffles and long sleeves. Hair tide in a bow as she stares up at the ship with bright big brown eyes as she holds her grandfather's hands. Bruce ismay looks at the ship with a big smile he couldn't wait for his ship to make the head lines. He looks down at his 6 year old granddaughter Serena "come Serena"he says before they were walking up the bridge to the first class intrance of the titanic.

She was then shown walking along the deck as she walks up to the rail as grabs it as she smiles and waves at the people down on the dock.

Serena was shown sitting on her bed playing with her dolls as her maid puts her clothes in the dressers when her grandfather walks in."you ready for lunch Serena"he asked as she looks up.

She was changed into a pink dining dress with a white bow ties around her waist as her hair was pinned up in curls."yes grandfather "she says as the maid helps her off the bed.

She was then dressed in a beautiful blue ruffle dress with her hair pinned into a bun as she was excorted to lunch where her farther and few others were sitting at a long table talking. Ismay looks up seeing his granddaughter "ah there she is my granddaughter"he says smiling as Serena waves shyly at them.

Soon they were all sitting at the table Serena was eating her carrots that were cut up for her. Rose looks at the little girl with a soft smile she reminds her of time when she was filled with joy before she was forced to grow up young.

"She is the largest moving object ever made by the hands of man in all history and our master shipbuilder, Mr Andrews here. Designed her from the kell plates up"her grandmother says with a smile as Mr Andrews smiles"well Iay have knocked her together but the idea was mr ismays he envisioned a steamer so Grand in scale and so luxurious in it's appointments that it's supremacy would never be challenged and here she is"mr Andrews explained tapping onto the table.

Mary noticed Serena has gotten some carrot juice on her face"here darling "she says as she wipes the juice off as Serena smiles"thank you mam"she says kindly.

As the two men talk rose rolls her eyes slightly before put a cigarettes in her elegantly designed cigarette holder as she lights it. Ruth leans towards her daughter "you know I don't like that Rose"she says as rose just looks at her as she blows out smoke. 

Cal her husband to be takes the cigarette and puts it out"she knows"as rose looks annoyed cal turns to the waiter "we'll both have the lamb rare with very little mint sauce "he orders before turning to rose"you like Lamb don't you sweet pea"he says as rose fake smiles.

Serena turns to her grandfather"grandfather I am tired may I go rest please "she asked as she smiles nodding his head. She gently climbed down from her chair as she walks over to her maid as she was led to the room and she decided to take a nap.

It was later that night as it was dinner time Serena wore a light red dress with ruffles and a white bow with sleeves as she was shown eating her food before seeing rose run out "I wonder what's wrong"she thought not realizing rose would have died that night if Jack wouldn't have saved her.

Serena was shown sitting on her bed as she was drawing a picture for her grandfather "can we go bring this to grandpa"she says with a big smile holding it up showing a stick figure family as the maid smiles gently.

Ismay was shown with other man having brandy as she walks over "grandpa I made something for you"she says with a smile holding it to him.

"Serena how many times have I told you not to disturb me when I'm having brandy especially for some silly little"he says harshly before turning away from his granddaughter who blinks back tears before lowering her head as she walks away.

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