Chapter 12: Vernon

Magsimula sa umpisa

I chuckled softly and cuddled him tightly, rubbing his back and slowly pulling the blanket out from over his face, leaving it at his chin, "Yes we are. Maybe we can find the fireflies again?"

Chan sadly shook his head, "it's probably too cold out for them now... but it's okay! We'll still have fun!"

I shrugged slightly, "Who knows, at least we'll have the stars! It's supposed to be super clear tonight."

Chan smiled at me, before snuggling into me more, "I have my star..."

I shook my head, "I'm not a star..."

"You are to me... You're gonna be recording a song tomorrow and doing rockstar things... and then we're gonna see stars up in the sky tomorrow night..." Chan then yawned.

I sighed softly, playing with his hair, "Go to sleep Channie, and keep your pants on."

Chan hugged me to him, barely awake, "You're warmer than usual..." he mumbled.

I looked at him confused, "but I feel cold...? Maybe that's why you took off your pants..."

Chan sleepily pulled the blankets up and over me, "Snuggles... Bonon..."

I chuckled and nodded, cuddling him and slowly falling back asleep.


I was woken up from my sleep by Chan talking at my head, "Hey! I'm late! You're GONNA BE late! We need to get going!"

I groaned groggily and snuggled into the blankets more, sniffling slightly, "Five more minutes..."

I was so cold... And shakey... My head was swimming and my throat hurts so bad.

"I'm already five minutes late though..." Chan trailed off, pouting.

Late? My eyes snapped open as I jumped up, "Oh shit!! I'm so sorry Chan!! I'll get you there! Hold on!!!" I ran to the closet, grabbing a random shirt and shoving on my shoes, moving around in a chaotic rush, ignoring the pounding in my head and the aching in my body.

Chan got up then, shaking his head at me, "Hey... hey... slow down! You're gonna hurt yourself! I overslept too! I already talked to Soonyoung!"

I shook my head, "I'm okay! I didn't mean to make you late!! I'm so sorry, please don't be mad! I can go really fast, you won't be too late!" I know what happens when I'm late...

"It's not your fault! I overslept too!! And I'm not mad? And you don't need to go really fast, I'm not teaching classes or anything, I'm just dancing by myself." Chan then gently took my arm, "Slow down before you hurt yourself..."

I sighed softly and nodded, "Okay, okay, but I'm ready! Are you ready? Let's go!"

Chan blinked at me before looking down at his pajamas, oh... I guess he wouldn't have his clothes on since I had run around like that and he didn't, "I can always get changed into my sweats there... They'd probably love it... So I just need my dance bag?" He then went over to it and picked it up, putting it around himself, "Ready!"

I nodded, "Okay! Come on!" I then took off down the stairs, stopping to clear my throat at the bottom, coughing slightly, "Ah, just morning voice... I might need a drink before I record stuff..."

Chan walked down the stairs after me, "You really need to slow down too... running around like this in the cold and sweating... you'll get sick!" Chan held out his hand to me.

I shook my head and took his hand, "No! I'm fine! I just don't want to make you super late! I'm really sorry I didn't wake up!" I then opened the door, letting Chan lead the way out, opening the car door for him.

Is There Anybody Out There?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon