Chapter 7: Dino

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I open my eyes slowly, the sun shining through my curtains and onto my face. I saw Vernon's face and went to bury my own into his chest to block out the light…

And I was met with cold glass… That’s right… I was taken home last night, not to Vernon and Joshua's place.

I sighed and sat up, putting the picture back next to the other one before looking at the time on my phone.

I got about an hour to get ready, get everything together, and then start walking. It's daytime so it should be no problem…


I shook my head. Stop being dumb Chan! They said you couldn't walk home by yourself at night, not during the day!

I get off my bed and go over to my closet, grabbing a pair of jeans and then reaching for a shirt. I pulled out the first one I grabbed…

Bands Boys…

The t-shirt Minghao gave me that night…

Maybe I don't need to wear long sleeves with everyone anymore… I've told everyone Jeonghan introduced to me that day that long sleeves were like a security blanket to me. But, if they all didn't want me to walk home alone last night, maybe they really are genuine and maybe…

Don't think too much about it all or you're gonna make yourself late!

I set the shirt and jeans on my bed next to my phone. Then I pulled out another old shirt and shorts I could use to swim in. Throwing them into a bag and then setting it by my front door before going into the bathroom, undressing and getting into the shower.

I wonder how today's gonna go after how dinner ended last night? Is everyone gonna be upset? Is it all gonna be awkward? What about with Seungcheol? How do I make everything up to him? I need to at least apologize…

I sighed before I actually started washing myself. Today's not the day to spend forever lost in thought in the shower. I go quickly to make up for lost time, eventually turning the shower off and getting out.

I heard someone knocking on my door. Probably one of the pamphlet guys again that just leaves it and knocks on the door before walking away. I threw a towel on and went over to the door. I'll just grab the pamphlet and then finish getting ready. No big deal. I unlock and open the door…


I froze and felt my face get really hot. Vernon is here, and I'm wet and wearing nothing but a towel.

I watched as his face turned red and he looked away from me,  "Ah, sorry, uh, nobody could get ahold of you so we decided I'd come check on you since we're supposed to go swimming and you'd need a ride anyway and you know, wanted to make sure you were there and didn't oversleep and you came with us because we want you there today and you know yeah I'm here okay I'll go wait in the car okay bye!" He then steps back.

“W-wait!” I reached forward and grabbed Vernon’s hand to stop him, feeling my towel start to slip with the sudden movement. I grabbed it with my other hand just before it fell, “C-come in! Wait in here I won’t be long, I just need to get dressed and get some last minute things together!” I gently pulled Vernon into my place. Please don’t be creeped out…

Vernon looked behind me, avoiding looking me in the eyes, "Yeah, okay I'll wait in here!" He said before walking in cautiously and sitting on the couch.

“I’ll just be a few minutes!” I said, before running back into my room.

"Take your time!! No rush at all!" I heard Vernon say just as I shut my door.

I take a deep breath. I will never open my door like that again! I dried myself off completely before getting dressed. The Bands Boys shirt fitting perfectly… I wonder how Minghao knew what size… I put on my ripped jeans and got the sandals I had for quick trips outside. My stuff I’m gonna use to swim is already by my front door. Picking up my towel, I dried my hair off more and then brushed it so it looked decent.

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