Chapter 6: Vernon

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I laughed as we all sat down at the table at our usual restaurant, Mingyu pushing Seungcheol and Jeonghan at the end because "Mommy and Daddy need to sit at the head of the table."

I looked around at my friends, realizing how much I had missed this. I love being around my family and don't even know how I thought I could cut them all off. Chan really helped me realize how accepting my friends are...

I looked over at him as he was beside me, smiling at him, "You seem less nervous now, how are you liking your first outing with the family?"

"It's been a lot of fun! Everyone is so fun to be around and I had boba for the first time!" Chan smiled brightly at me, causing my heart to flutter as I smiled more.

"Good! I'm glad," I said as a murmur fell over the table as the others talked.

"I'll definitely miss you all." Chan looked down at his lap, catching everyone's attention.

This again... I wonder what he's been through to feel like this... I went to speak but got cut off as everyone else started reassuring him.

Seungkwan put his hand on Chan's shoulder, "Chan, We've been through this multiple times. We're not gonna leave you. Everybody likes you. This isn't a joke. This isn't a long con or anything. You're a part of our group now and you're here to stay."

"He's right! I wouldn't have introduced you to anyone else if I knew you wouldn't be liked!" Jeonghan said.

Joshua nodded, "They're right sweetheart, we all like you and you're already one of us. I already told you we don't get rid of people! After Jeonghan adopts someone they're stuck here!!"

"Yeah! You can't leave even if you try to!! You're the best dancer I've seen at Tiger Pounce in a long time, you think Soonyoung will let you leave? You're kinda tied into all of our lives now and you can't get out!" Minghao said with a big smile.

I smiled at what the others said, before going to say something again as the reassuring took a pause, figuring now was finally my chance, as soon as I opened my mouth I was cut off AGAIN!! WHAT THE FUCK I JUST WANNA TALK TO MY CHANNIE AND MAKE SURE HE KNOWS HE'S LOVED AND WELCOME HERE!!! Wait... MY Channie? Calm down Hansol.

"Hey guys I'm Beomhan, I'll be your waiter today, what can I get you for drinks? Would you like any appetizers today?"

Jihoon looked around at everyone, "We just wanna go with the usuals?" I nodded in response before noticing Chan didn't, then I realized he probably didn't know what they had here. Jihoon smiles at the waiter then, "Six orders of dumplings to start please, and I'm ready to order if that's okay?" He looks around at everyone.

"Of course! What would you like sir?" The waiter starts with Jihoon and goes around the table, after getting my order he looks at Chan, "And you?"

Chan looks panicked, "I... um... I..." he probably didn't decide and we rushed him... he goes to look and drops the menu, freezing as he looks at it on the ground. I went to help again but got cut off as Seungkwan started talking.

"He'll have the fried squid with spicy sauce please." He picked up Chan's fallen menu and put it on top of his, ordering for himself before handing the waiter the menus.

I blinked in confusion as I looked at them, wondering how Seungkwan knew what Chan would want and when they had gotten so close, a bit of jealousy creeping into my mind as I began to wonder if Chan acts the way he does with me with everyone else too. Maybe he really doesn't like me and it's just how he is because he's not used to people? What if I've been making a fool out of myself this whole time telling Joshua I liked him?! Does Josh know about Chan and Seungkwan being close??

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