Chapter 5

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"When they see you dear, they will know who you are."

The Old Luna's Perspective

"Oh yes, we would love that Esther. It is so good to hear from you. I cannot believe it's been this long." I said while holding the phone to my right ear. My best friend Esther had called me 20 minutes ago and slapped me with so much information over what happened the last ten days. I couldn't believe she had a granddaughter. No, it was shocking to me. Her father, who was very strong and stubborn grew up here in our pack. Well, William did use to be one of our higher and most valued pack members given his role. His son, Todd, became beta aside my son who had became the alpha. This happened after me and my husband retired from our job. Our sons were best friends, practically raised together since birth. It was no wonder they would become alpha and beta beside each other. It felt like I was Esther's sister after all. But it all changed one day when our grandson, my son's child, was just three years old. Todd ran away after finding his mate. His mate wouldn't come here, didn't want to leave her city, didn't want anything to do with the pack life. She was a witch, of course.

So, knowing the mate bond and everything I don't blame Todd. Most would do anything for their mate, even give up their position, their social status, their riches. And that is what Todd did. But he hid everything from us. It seemed like he had changed drastically after deciding to be with her. So knowing he had a daughter, it was extremely shocking.

When we found out he died, it was the hardest for William and Esther. They hadn't seen him in years and suddenly someone called them clarifying that he was deceased. Nothing else was told. Nothing about his mate, or I guess now his daughter. We didn't even know where he died or where he was living for those short years.

I blame that witch mate of William's son though. I blame her for his death, for his leaving, and for everything that happened. Of course my husband tells me we don't know what happened. And who knows what. But I always thought she was suspicious from the start. She seemed pure evil at the core. and sometimes it felt like she didn't even feel the mate bond with him. And don't get me wrong, some of my friend's are witches. I got nothing against them. But this witch was something else.

Getting back to my conversation with Esther, "What is Klara like?" I asked. I was interested in knowing this girl. She seemed bright. And with how close we were with Esther and William, it only seems right to be part of their granddaughters life.

"Oh its so bad Elizabeth." Esther said, her tone became worried and it sounded like she was biting her nails of old habit when she was stressed.

"What is it?" I asked confused while raising my eyebrow.

"Its nothing wrong with Klara, she's so sweet and she's a spitting image of our son. You should see her you would be awed. But its what we found out the night we were called about her. She had tried to kill herself!" Esther explained.

"She what? What drove her to do that?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

"They told us that there was a long, long trials of CPS coming to their door because her mom wasn't feeding her. And sometimes when they showed up she would be black out drunk on the living room couch. And they told us that Klara had been kicked out. She was roaming the streets for a while. She slept underneath a freaking bridge at night. And I guess one day our poor Klara was so tired of suffering that she jumped off that same bridge." Esther said.

"I am so sorry Esther," I was shocked. "I am so glad she is alive." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew there was something wrong with that witch.

"And klara, she smiles at us, she answers us and she seems fine. But if she's like our son I know she's just stubbornly keeping it inside. I guess the hospital tried calling her mom first and the line went absolutely dead. They called around trying to contact her because she was technically her legal guardian at first. Come to find out, after she kicked Klara out a big ulcer opened her stomach up and she died on the living room couch." Esther said.

I was confused, "Esther this sounds crazy. Oh the horrible stuff that child has been through. I can only imagine everything she's keeping inside. And her mom, it just doesn't sound right."

"Well you know, some wolves die after their mates do too." Esther said.

"Yes but she's a witch, she doesn't feel the bond as intensely." I explained.

Esther sighed, "Come on Elizabeth, she must've felt something or she wouldn't have turned into a drunk who didn't take care of her daughter." She seemed right. Most witches keep with their craft and if she was being a big old drunk there was no way she would be able to. Her power would actually be weak from all the blacking out and disorientation.

"Well, I hope you guys come over this Wednesday. I would really like to meet this Klara." I said with a sigh.

"You will see us Wednesday. Thank you for listening to me rant. I confided in William but you know how he is. He just looks into the future and not the past. But don't worry Klara starts her group therapy soon." She said with a bit more of motivation in her voice.

"That's good, It will be good for her to heal up all these wounds." I sigh before continuing," Okay, well then I'll see you Wednesday." I confirmed. Esther said goodbye back before hanging up and I was left with all of this new information.

"Grandma?" My grandson, and future Alpha spoke up, "What was that all about?" He raised his eyebrow. Him and my husband were sitting in the living room the whole time I took that call, so no doubt he would be a little curious about the conversation. I looked over to my husband and breathed in deeply.

"it was Esther and William, they just found out they have a granddaughter." I said. My husband's eyes widened and he seemed shocked beyond compared. My grandson watched his reaction and seemed noticeably curious.

"They what now?" My husband, Robert, asked.

"Yep, and Esther just told me some crazy things about the situation." I said.

"Well what is her name?" Robert asked.

"Her name is Klara. I guess they are coming over Wednesday for dinner. I will be asking the maids to cook up a great course." I said. I looked over to my grandson when a light bulb flickered in my head. They have to be around the same age, what if he became a good friend of hers? "Will you come Wednesday Roman?"

He hesitantly shook his head, "I can't. My schedule is busy as I am constantly training. I would if I didn't have anything but I am required to spare with some high ranking warriors all day and try to critique their work."

"Well I sure am curious to meet her." My husband interrupted. "How did they find out about her?" he asked.

"It's a long story. but what matters is that she is here now." I said smiling a little bit.

"That's true honey." my husband agreed while flipping the page of his newspaper. He sat with one leg over the other while reading the daily news. His grey hair was pushed back and his glasses laid across his nose.

"Well, Alpha or I can make an announcement to the pack to welcome her, that way nothing goes out of control" My grandson says before looking at his watch. His hair was messy across his head as a sign he has been working much harder these past couple of days. His eyes were sunken but still were bright blue as they were when he was a baby. He looked tired, very tired. I can only imagine since he's going to become alpha of the pack soon. .

"Thank you Roman." I replied genuinely.

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