Chapter 4

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Today was an incredibly busy day after all. 

We were able to leave the airport and finally make way to my grandparents house. We drove home in their car, which was a red Jeep wrangler. I am sure this car was definitely designed for these snowy roads. I sat in the back seat while my grandma sat in passenger and my grandpa drove. There was a lot of curves and hills to go around and up. The car still looked freshly new, or they just kept it in very good shape. There was no trash anywhere to be seen. But there was a box of tissues, I guess for travel. And a tool box right next to my feet. It took about 20 minutes to meet our destination, which was their house. They lived outside of the city and into the rural area. My grandpa had to have owned many acres of land which had surrounded his home. His home, which was quite bigger than average. It looked like a two story house, but once I got inside later I found it to be three finding out there was a basement. Their house was made of brick and had very natural earthy colors. The roof was dark brown and the brick was reddish-brown. The windows looked very clear and glossy as if my grandparents cleaned them every day. There is a beautiful garden full of many bright colored flowers in the front lawn. Behind the house looked like a brown cabin which I inferred was a shed of some sort. 

Inside the house smelled very good, like cinnamon. The living room was adorned with grey comfortable couches which was decor with pillows and blankets. They had a TV attached to the wall facing the couches. There was a modern glass coffee table with a TV remote and bowl of sweets beside it. Behind the living room, there was a half wall separating it from the kitchen. The Kitchen was huge, had a dining table to the right with table cloth and flowers in the middle. To the left was the fridge, oven, and marble countertops. There was a small window above the oven showing more of the back yard. By the dining table was a brown door which led to a office, which seemed to be my grandpa's. He had a dark brown desk and chair. A small couch which I presumed clients or my grandma sat at. He had a big book shelf behind his desk consisting of many novels and books to read. Twenty of them were most likely engineering books. 

The basement was mostly a storage room, which had canned food, jugs of water, etc. There was a lot boxes that had writings on them. "Christmas Decor", "Easter", "Pictures", "Old Letters." And there was one that I assumed was a box full of my dad's stuff. I didn't really look much into It though considering I wasn't really interested. When you went onto the upstairs there was immediately a hallway bathroom. It was simple and small. Then to the left was a Master bedroom, which was my grandparents, then a smaller bedroom that turned out to be a guest bedroom. To the right of the hallway was a third bedroom that they decided would be mine. It had a queen sized bed with a small dresser beside it. On the dresser was a lamp. There was a closet that was pretty average sized but had absolutely nothing in it. There was another door in my bedroom which had connected to a bathroom itself. I was shocked looking at this, I never had my own bathroom before. My shower already had purple curtains and a purple rug in front of it. I also had a desk in my room, it was to the wall beside my bed. It had a window behind it and I could see the view of the front house. The desk had a pretty comfortable chair, and some more books. I sighed in content, feeling happy this was my new life. 

There were other rooms a part of the house like the laundry room, a downstairs bathroom, and a room with book shelves full of books and couches to read on. 

I would say my grandparents must be very influential scholars or something.

After touring their very beautiful house, we had went around the city exploring places. We went to a Library that was two stories and had said they were hiring. The library was very pretty and dark. The lamps showered yellow light from the ceilings, and the books looked golden underneath it. There were very old couches, clean and good quality, sorted throughout the facility. They were red velvet and brown which felts like vampire academia. The shelves, there were so many and tall, with so many books. Some old, and some new, but they fit the shelves perfectly as a glove. Their were many brown tables and desks which were occupied by chairs with people sitting at them. Some were reading books as others had their laptops out typing away with a click click. There was a huge desk at the front, where three workers appeared. One seemed to be stamping books while placing them on a smaller grey cart. Another one was reading a newspaper while wearing circular purple glasses. And the third was a young teenage girl scrolling on her phone. The library was such a scene and I had never seen anything like it back home. There were tiny sculptures of gnomes at every side of the wall. And in the middle of the library was a much bigger sculpture of a wolf, it was standing on all fours with it's mouth in a snarl as if it was giving out a warning. This library had to be older than 100 years or so, it felt very ancient. I was kind of glad to see the hiring sign because I needed a job and what's a more perfect place than the library? it's quiet, slow, and I can read books. I didn't bother asking about the hiring though, I'm going to wait like my grandparents asked me to. 

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