Ch 5: A gang of idiots

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"So you're my new partner." Juzo looks her up and down before frowning. "For a woman called the Bloody Decapitator you look a little...young."

That was a horrible nickname, whoever came up with that name is getting stabbed in the eye once she finds them.

"Well you know how it is these days. The more horrible the title the younger the owner and all that."

Kakashi was like...eleven or something when people started calling him a friend killer.

Juzo snorts. "Ain't that the truth."



"A mission to the land of snow. Your lazy ass up to it, princess?" Juzo snarks while holding out a piece of paper.

Ugh, Shirin should just throw this guy off a cliff and tell everyone he died.

"No, I'm not actually. Go by yourself."

Juzo attempted to slice her in half with his fancy sword. She almost let him.


Taking in a deep breath Shirin downed the shot in one go. Ew, that stuff was awful.

"Wow kid, you took that like a champ." The older woman slurs out. "First time drinking?"

"Nah, I stole my fathers secret stash when I was younger and got blackout drunk."

To be fair he wasn't even that mad about it. He was more worried that she'd have to get her stomach pumped which will cause her mother to find out.

Tsunade snorts. "Bet he wasn't happy about that one. My grandfather gave me his cups of sake at events so that he wouldn't have to drink them. When my parents found out he was beat five ways to hell."

It suddenly occurred to Shirin that this could be referring to either Hashirama or Tobirama.

"Got anymore stories Lady? For every story you tell I'll buy you a drink."

The blond woman grinned. "I like you, kid. Call me Tsunade."

"Only if you call me Shirin."

The woman clinks her glass against hers. "This'll be the start of a beautiful friendship."

A Uchiha and Senju becoming friends...because that friendship always ends well.


"Hah I really can't believe this, you suck even more than me at gambling and that's saying something." The Senju cackled while looking at the empty table were her money once sat.

"Yeah well, if both our luck is in the negatives you know what that means right?"

In math two negatives make a positive. Or something like that, she wasn't all that good at math.

Tsunade grinned. "You offering to be my gambling partner?"

"Of co--"

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune yelled, running in with a pig in her arms. "I finally found you."

Aw, it looks like the fun is over.

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