Chapter 11

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"We should head back. It's getting late". The brown haired boy shyly suggests, making Ash chuckle at his cuteness. Was he the same boy who snarled at him when they first met?

He nods and the two leave the terrace and soon reach their dorm.

Ryan changed into his pajamas, turning around to see Ash exiting the bathroom after a shower, dressed in black sweatpants and a white tee.

Even such a simple outfit made butterflies burst in Ryan's stomach.

He simply sits straight on his bed, playing with his fingers with a blush on his face. His first kiss. A boy was his first kiss. He didn't even regret it one bit, but it was scaring him. Ryan still likes girls but now Ash has messed his head to a point where he can't think of girls in that manner anymore.

Ash noticed his distressed face and took a seat beside him, leaving some distance as to not make him feel uncomfortable. Even though they just kissed, he knew that Ryan was questioning a lot of things and he didn't want to burden him.

What surprised him was Ryan scooting closer and laying his head on his shoulder. Ash gently patted his head, providing as much comfort as possible. "You feeling good?" He dares to ask.

"Yeah...I'm questioning a lot of things. I-I don't know what's going on". He truthfully replies.

"Take your time. After all you're seeing the reality after so many years of being in an illusion. Don't rush it". Ash comforts him.

"How did you find out you liked boys?" Ryan asks.
"I tried dating girls but never felt that type of connection. But when I went out with a guy for the first time, I knew this was my way".

"Did you know?" Ryan shyly asks, making Ash smirk.
"Have sex with a guy?" He completes his question. Ryan was red right now, talking about such intimate topics for the first time.

"The answer is yes. Though unfortunately it was a one night stand. When I turned 18 this year, I decided to try out a gay bar and that's where it happened. Though I truly wish I had waited to do it with someone who I love". He truthfully says.

"I don't know what I like. You're making me confused...not in a bad way but still". Ryan muttered which made Ash furrow his eyebrows.

"Let's take it slow sugar. First you figure out what you truly want then we'll decide from there okay? I'll be there with you in every step". He places a soft kiss on the crown of his head, making Ryan sigh with comfort. He really likes this, but why is it so hard to accept it?


"Woah!! You guys kissed?!" Emma exclaims with shock while Michelle and Liam were surprised but somewhere, they did expect this.

"Yeah...he was so adorable. God he makes my head spin and question my choices". Ash smiles, just picturing Ryan's shy face in his head.

"Wow look at the sweetness dripping from your eyes. It could probably give diabetes to someone". Liam jokes, making the others laugh.

"So....when shall we start with the plan?" Michelle asks.
"After the fest. It will fetch us more time. Plus we can expose Max and Scarlet easily when it's more quiet". Ash answers.

"I just can't imagine what Ryan will go through after he finds out the truth. He's gonna be so heartbroken". Emma sadly says.

"We will be there for him. It's not like we're gonna abandon him after all this. What about you Ash? What will you guys do?" Michelle asks.

"He's still questioning a lot. Probably after all this, it's gonna take a huge toll on him and I don't know whether he'll even see a future with me. All I can do is look after him from afar if he doesn't wish to be with me". Ash sadly smiles at the negative possibilities.

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