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I was reading a book inside my room when my door opened with revealing a very happy Jungkook

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I was reading a book inside my room when my door opened with revealing a very happy Jungkook...

I was reading a book inside my room when my door opened with revealing a very happy Jungkook

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He was smiling like he won a lottery. He came near me and hugged me tightly...

I wish this moment would never last but no luck was given to me when my lungs start to run out of air

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I wish this moment would never last but no luck was given to me when my lungs start to run out of air...

"I c-can't breathe." I said as he released me from that killer hug...

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Why are you so happy? Did you won a lottery or what?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Guess what?" He told me, putting his hands on my shoulder...

"I already guessed a while ago." I said sarcastically...

"She finally said yes!!! Woooohh! Jenny Parker's mine!!!" He said, raising both of his hands in the air...

I heard a glass breaking or a heart breaking?..

I checked around if there's a broken glass but there's none. I was right. It was my heart broken. Shattered into many pieces like a glass thrown on the wall...

"Oh." Was all I said.

How pathetic I am.

I looked down on the floor and I felt a tear flowed down my cheek...

He stopped cheering and
looked at me..

"Are you okay?" He asked. I just nodded as a reply...

"Why are you crying?" He asked again, wiping a my tear...

"Tears of joy. I'm just happy for you." I said, giving him a reassuring smile...

A smile that would cover my saddened facade...

He doesn't know that I love

You're so stupid, Taehyung. He
wouldn't love you like you do because he is as straight as a pole...

My brain told me...

I know it's risky to fall in love with a straight guy, especially that guy is your bestfriend...

His phone rang inside his pocket. He fished it out and answered whoever called...

"Hello, this is jungkook...
I'm here with Taehyung I'll be
there babe. Bye."

He said and put back his phone inside his pocket...

"I better be going now. I'm going to go to her house today. Gotta go." He said, rushing out the door and leaving me alone in my room...

I get the book that I was reading. Teardrops keep falling down on the book. I couldn't understand what I
was reading anymore...

So, I closed it and put it on the

I lie down on my bed and let all the tears flow...

I'm stupid.


To be continue...

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