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24th December, 15:44

Adam was busy with another client, how could someone work on Christmas Eve? Ask Adam, the workaholic.

"Alright, well our 1 hour is up. How did you find todays session Christopher?"

"There's something about your type of therapy that isn't like the other's bullshit. It was alright"

"I'm glad you think like that. Anyways, I'm going to pass you onto my psychiatrist so that she can give you your subscription of quetiapine"

"Thanks Adam, pleasure having you as my psychologist"

"No worries Christopher, until next time"

*New Text from Mother*

I hope you're coming to
today's dinner, all of my
aquantances will be there.

You spelt acquaintance

Be here at 20:30, Sharp

He hated family dinners, especially at Christmas because no matter what, there was always a stupid argument.


"I've arrived mother"

"Oh perfect timing, could you help me set up the table?"

"Of course"

The table was a beautiful old styled wooden table, it was big enough to seat 14 people comfortably. The chairs where a lovely shade of black with velvet material around making sitting down more comfortable.

"Which plates do I get?"

"The marble ones, get the champagne set of glasses too while you're at it Adam"

Finally setting the table, Adam sat down on his couch scrolling on his phone.

"Any luck with the... flat... you're trying to find in Seoul?"

Adam was about to say something nasty due to her consistent pressuring of him having to live in a house but decided not to.

"Got an interview the 28th to look at one in Gangnam, apparently it's one of the richest neighbourhoods in Seoul"

"How big is this flat?"

"Around 150m²"

"Jesus Christ... That's only about a quarter of this house, are you sure about this Adam?"

"Look, mother I have had-"


"This must be our guests!"

The rottweilers started barking at the door ferociously as Abigail made her way to the large main door opening it.

"Boys, Sit!"

All 3 of them sat down in complete silence as Mother Abigail welcomed each and everyone of them inside.

"Lovely to see you William, looking as smart as ever. My dear Odette, splendid dress. Oh my goodness Mr and Mrs Graham, it's been ever so long!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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