Chapter 2?: I Await You

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Z1: " are you gonna get that or what?" Hearing the line constantly annoyingly ring. Z23 was busy filling out some reports and waved it off. Ignoring the phone call.

" you know the term long distance relationship means some communication right?" Z1 spoke, thinking Z23's got a rockin 'hot girlfriend who's willing to do things that'll make any girl happy ;) if you know what I'm saying. Instead of one of those other girls who won't put out until you do an extravagant effort of something to show them you love them. But then... does that make Ayanami easy? No. Because she'd only do that because she truly loves Z23. But then does that make the other girls not worth it because of the amount of effort you gotta put in? No. It just makes them a good challenge because surely in the end it's worth it or shows them that you tried.

" I know. I'll call her back later." Z23 said, prioritizing her work first instead of her relationship. Unable to find a healthy balance as she always felt like her duty was more important to do, but that doesn't mean she doesn't value Ayanami as much, doing all of this in part for Ayanami wanting to keep the upper northern waters safe by making sure the sirens don't come to the lower waters where Ayanami is stationed at.

But... doing that would give the other the wrong impression no? Like you're trying to avoid them or that you care more about something else. That is, if they didn't know the meaning behind why you do something since it's unspoken. Which sadly is the case with Z23.

" pff, your definition of later is like never practically. You know if I had a banging hot girlfriend like that..." Z1 said, with a smirk. Thinking she likes a girl like Ayanami. She's got a ferocity that saids I'll fight you to the death and I'm serious.

" don't even.." Z23 warned. Thinking she's too good for the likes of Z1.

" also aren't you with Saratoga?" Z23 said, knowing she saids she is. But sees her sister ship doing things that would imply otherwise. Thinking it's hypocritical that she's nagging her about what a relationship should look/be like when she's doing things behind Saratoga's back that would seem like she doesn't seem to care about their long distance relationship.

Z1: " I am." Making Z23 say " really?" In a tone that held strong disbelief one that isn't falling for that bullshit.

Z1 got upset at that, and said " you know what? I bet Ayanami's not even as loyal as you are in that department." Making Z23 get up from sitting at her desk and slam her hands down upon the table and say " don't you dare even say that!" Not gonna allow her sister ship or anyone talk shit about her girlfriend/Ayanami in general.

Z1 smirked and said " why? We already know how she acts" knowing she's striking a nerve with her. Bringing up past incidents which showed that it's true...

Z23: " she's better than you that's for sure! And if you say another word I'll rat you out to Saratoga!" Threatening her.

Z1 shut up. The phone line also ceased to make a sound. Ending itself. Silence filled the air.

Z23 mumbled something under her breath in German as the candle light dwindled through the night.


Ayanami sighed putting the phone down. She couldn't get through to Z23... again. It isn't the first time her calls when unanswered. Or unreturned.

She knew it was gonna be hard doing a long distance relationship, especially with someone like Z23. Who she knows would of course always put her work first and foremost.

She knew Z23 cared about her, but sometimes... she questioned it. Well... maybe questioned it more than sometimes.

Although Z23 might not know it or be fully confident about it, Ayanami has been loyal through it all.

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