Chapter (who knows): Apart

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Javelin sighed as she looked at an old photo of her and her good friends Laffey, Z23, and Ayanami. It was a picture of all 4 of them squeezed together to get a group photo of them. This picture out of a thousand they had taken together with each other didn't really have anything to make it stand out much. The background or scenery in the photo wasn't anything out of the ordinary, nor did they didn't wear something that was really eye catching. But it was the very last photo they all took together. This image held joy, but also a hidden sadness.

They were all adults now and they had a lot of responsibilities to tend to.

Javelin felt like all these missions and sorties are driving her mad. She hardly has any time to herself let alone anyone else. Maybe she put too much on her plate and she just didn't have the courage to say it was too much and take them off.

She wondered how they were all doing. Especially how Laffey was doing. She was always on her mind, after all they were close. They supposedly ended on good terms since both of them knew they were to be stationed elsewhere (America for Laffey/Great Britain for Javelin). No longer on Azur Lane (Hawaii).

But... somehow Javelin doubted it. She felt like Laffey although she had never voiced it, didn't want this outcome to be. And had never accepted their relationship ending.

Javelin though, supposedly moved on to another relationship. Not Laffey though, she's still single and isn't looking for another currently.

Javelin was with Hunter now. How did they come together you may ask? Well, mostly because they work together a lot and spent a great amount of time together so it was in the eyes of many British " naturally" that they would eventually end up or be together as a couple.

Even though both of them seem to have no romantic interest in each other, other than hiding under the cover of not being pushed by other British ships to find someone already/to get them off their backs. But that doesn't mean they don't care for one another.

Although Javelin had no complaints about Hunter when they go on missions or sorties. She did have a big problem when they would come home/their home life.

Javelin didn't like Hunter's doberman pinscher. She just felt like even though he's very well trained, he doesn't like Javelin. He growls every time she gets near Hunter. Like she's his.

In addition, Javelin had these pet peeves about Hunter placing her guns on the dinning table, in addition her dirty boots on the table too. Even though Hunter had gentleman manners so to speak, she did not have feminine manners. She ate using the incorrect utensils (very triggering for Javelin) in addition Hunter would speak to Javelin at home like she was speaking down to her if anything else. Which she hated the most, because Hunters words are very hurtful in British ways.

For example Hunter would say things like: " Javelin, please it isn't that hard to keep your mouth clean." And gesture to Javelin's side of her mouth where there would be a tiny splat of strawberry jam.

Or: " darling, it wouldn't kill you to be on time would it? Or am I asking too much of you?"

These things, the way Hunter phrases them it just gets Javelin so angry and she can't say anything back. Because of the way Hunter phrases it. She remembered when she was with Laffey... she never complained or talked down to her like that. Never.

And although Javelin would try and correct things she saw she didn't like from Laffey, Laffey would groan mumble or complain a little but do it. Unlike Hunter, who argues with Javelin about it in addition to remarking something she doesn't like about her on what she does and doesn't correct her behavior in the end.

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