"Of course. I love you too kid" Taeyong returned the hug with one arm. 

"I'm sorry for being so annoying about the game. I know you were just doing what was best" Jaehyun could see from around the corner that Jungwoo was not done yet and he had to stall for more time. 

"It's okay Jaehyun. To be honest, it wasn't just the money. I've never heard of that site that the game was on and I don't want to take any chances of being scammed. I should have explained that to you two so I'm sorry too" Taeyong explained. Jaehyun felt an arrow of guilt pierce his heart. 

"It's okay, appa. Gotta go!" Jaehyun saw Jungwoo give him the thumbs up and he ran off. Taeyong watched him go, even more confused now than before. That was really strange but he saw nothing wrong with it and went to join the kids and get roped into playing with them. 

"Did you get it?" Jaehyun asked, excitedly. Jungwoo nodded, holding the card up. They turned to Jungwoo's tablet and typed in the card information. As soon as Jungwoo pressed accept, the screen flashed red and there was a warning sign that popped up. 


"What the hell did you do!?" Jaehyun panicked.

"I don't know!" Jungwoo pushed the tablet away from him, just as scared as his brother. Taeyong heard them and rushed in, thinking someone was hurt. He took in the scene in front of him and grabbed the tablet, quickly fixing the problem. He saw his card in Jungwoo's hand and his eyes darkened. 

"Someone needs to start explaining" Taeyong warned, his voice getting deeper like it did when he was really, really angry. 

"It was his fault!" Jaehyun felt a little remorse at throwing Jungwoo under the bus but not by much. He was not taking the fall for this when it wasn't even his idea.

"Your the one who distracted him!" Jungwoo argued.

"It was your idea!" Jaehyun retorted. Taeyong clapped his hands together really loudly, silencing both of them.

"Jaehyun, go to my room. I need to talk with your brother" Taeyong stared at Jungwoo, who averted his eyes. Jaehyun felt a little more sympathy for his brother now as he left and sat down on Taeyong's bed to wait. 

"Start talking" Taeyong pulled the desk chair over and sat in front of Jungwoo.

"It wasn't really his fault! I'm the one who came up with the idea, he just went along with it!" Jungwoo explained.

"I'm not asking who's idea it was but thank you for telling me. I want to know what happened. Why do you have my card?" Taeyong questioned.

"I think you know" Jungwoo responded.

"Yes but I want to hear you say it" Taeyong nodded.

"Jaehyun distracted you while I grabbed your card because we wanted to get that game" Jungwoo explained, feeling guilty.

"I see. Well, I'm sure you know what happens. Come here" Taeyong guided Jungwoo over his knee.


"Do you have anything to say?" Taeyong stopped.

"I'm sorry!" Jungwoo cried, trying not to kick but failing. Taeyong pushed his legs back down.


"Since you went behind my back, your grounded from your games for the weekend. I love you very much, Woo" Taeyong pulled his kid up and hugged him.

"Love you too dad" Jungwoo sniffled and then stood up, staring pitifully at Taeyong.

"I'm going to talk to your brother. Can you go find the triplets, Chenle and Jisung to make sure they aren't doing anything they shouldn't" Taeyong got up to leave. Jungwoo ran off to find his younger brothers.

"So, even after I told you that I didn't trust that site, you let your brother try and buy that game anyways? Your older, Lee Jaehyun, you need to set a better example" Taeyong scolded.

"I know" Jaehyun sighed deeply. Taeyong couldn't allow him to continue feeling guilty.

"It'll be over soon. We'll deal with it and then it's over and forgotten" Taeyong promised. Jaehyun nodded and stood up, letting Taeyong guide him over his knee.


"What are you not going to do again?" Taeyong waited.

"Lie to you and be a bad example" Jaehyun answered as if he were reciting something.

"Good boy" Taeyong accepted that answer and finished the spanking with two more smacks to the undercurve of his sons bottom.

"We're done now. Like I told Jungwoo, your grounded from video games for the weekend" Taeyong repeated.

"Okay" Jaehyun didn't have the energy to argue so he agreed and went to find Jungwoo to compare 'battle scars' as the boys liked to call it after they got in trouble. Taeyong didn't understand it, nor did he understand why they would want to compare how pink their butts were, but he had learned to just let boys be boys and it was better not to question it.

When he went downstairs, he found the triplets trying to cook and he watched in slow motion as Jaemin and Renjun tried to lift a pot of sauce(?) and it spilled all over them.

"Oops" Jaemin giggled, seeing Taeyong in the entrance to the kitchen. Renjun licked the sauce off his lips.

"It tastes good!" He announced, as if he wasn't covered in red sauce. Jisung laid down and rolled around in the puddle of sauce so Chenle did the same, making even more of a mess.

Taeyong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Taeil-15 Johnny-14 Yuta-14 Kun-13 Doyoung-13 Ten-13 Jaehyun-12 Winwin-12 Jungwoo-11 Mark-10 Xiaojun-10 Hendery-10 Haechan-9 Renjun-9 Jeno-9 Jaemin-9 Yangyang-9 Chenle-8 Jisung-7 Sion-7 Riku-6 Yushi-5 Daeyoung-4 Ryo-2 Sakuya-2

Taeil(10th. HS) Johnny(9th. MS) Yuta(8th. MS) Kun(7th. MS) Doyoung(7th. MS) Ten(7th. MS) Jaehyun(6th. E) Winwin(6th. E) Jungwoo(5th. E) Mark(4th. E) Xiaojun(4th. E) Hendery(4th. E) Haechan(3rd. E) Renjun(3rd. E) Jeno(3rd. E) Jaemin(3rd. E) Yangyang(3rd. E) Chenle(2nd. E) Jisung(1st. E) Sion(1st. E) Riku(Kindergarten. IS) Yushi(Kindergarten. IS) Daeyoung(Kindergarten. IS) Ryo(Nursery. IS) Sakuya(Nursery. IS)

Room arrangements
Taeil(top bunk), Johnny(bottom bunk), Yuta(bottom bunk) and Kun(top bunk)
Doyoung(single bed), Ten(top bunk) and Mark(bottom bunk)
Jaehyun(bottom bunk), Winwin(top bunk) and Jungwoo(single bed)
Xiaojun(bottom bunk), Hendery(top bunk) and Haechan(single bed)
Renjun(top bunk), Jeno(bottom bunk), Jaemin(top bunk) and Yangyang(bottom bunk)
Chenle(bottom bunk), Jisung(top bunk), Sion(top bunk) and Riku(bottom bunk)
Yush(top bunk), Daeyoung(top bunk), Ryo(bottom bunk) and Sakuya(bottom bunk)

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