ICSY 02: Meet Kira Bolton

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On the first day of students coming back to Nevermore, the least expected to happen was being in the principal's office. That was where Kira was right now. She used to like the place only because of the late principal, Larissa Weems. But now that she was gone, the school assigned a new principal. Kira couldn't care less. But the new principal had done something straightly offended the girl.

"You can't just take out my stuff in my dorm! Imagine what I felt when I got to my dorm and half of the room was empty!" Kira tried to keep it down, trying to respect the new principal. But the silence of the principal, with his innocent face as if he hadn't done something wrong, was pushing her to the edge.

"Those are my things! I spent money on those. You can't just surprise me by saying you took off my stuff to turn it into another room!" Kira exclaimed and yet the principal remained silent.

Kira groaned, running her hands through her red hair that was messily tied. She hadn't even changed her clothes as she went on a long way before she got to Nevermore. She thought she could rest as soon she arrived at her humble dorm but what surprised her was the other side of the room with a new bed, study table, and closet.

Four years in Nevermore, Kira has been rooming solo. Thanks to her parents' wealth. Her dorm was technically her other home. She enjoyed being alone or having time alone after a long day forced to interact with students who didn't see her presence. It's not that she cared though. As was said, she enjoyed being alone same goes for being lonely. Her dorm is not the biggest in their hall but she loves it. The day she arrived at Nevermore, she turned it into a safe place. Aside from the comfy bed, closet, and study table, she installed a small kitchen so she wouldn't need to go out and be with the other students in the cafeteria. Kira loves cooking for herself, and she's a good cook. She also had a small sink and a corner where she kept her keyboard and guitar. So seeing and hearing that all of those were taken out to be a new space for a possible roommate made the girl furious.

Normally even after the school year, Kira chooses to stay in her dorm. The only reason why she chose to leave her dorm this school year and have an actual vacation was because of her loss. Yes, because of the late principal's death.

"Are you done, Ms. Bolton?" the principal finally spoke. Kira bit her lip, not wanting to burst again. Being kicked out of the school isn't in her to-do list now. She promised Weems she'd finish her year here. As Kira didn't reply, the principal took that chance to speak.

"I believe we have informed you what will we do to your dorm. We gave you notice to pack the other half of your room because we're turning it into a new space."

"And I didn't agree!"

"Ms. Bolton, I wasn't asking for your permission. If the late principal has allowed you to own your dorm and turn it into an apartment, then I won't. We need rooms for future enrollees, it was in the paper if you've read it." the principal said. Kira continued to scowl at nowhere as she tried to listen to the principal. But to be honest, there was no use. Her dorm was already turned into a new one. "We also informed Mrs. and Mr. Bolton. Your things were kept safely if that was what you're worried about. I'm sorry, Ms. Bolton but that's just what we need to do."

Kira clenched her jaw still not looking at the principal. She feared that she'd say things she'll regret after. Well, not regret it. But the action after it speaks after her.

"Can I just go now?" she asked after a few minutes of gathering her words together. It wasn't easy. All what is inside her feels as if they are going to burst and explode. She hates it when someone goes on her things. Especially the ones she takes care of.

I Can See You [W. Addams & E. Sinclair x O.C]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang