There Must Be Something Wrong With Me

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"I hope you weren't waiting for Diego again, Joey," A smooth, slightly dark voice replied leisurely. Like he had all the time in the world.

"Quit teasing me Liyun. How is he?" Joey scrunches her nose, eagerly awaiting his response.
I, on the other hand, was captivated by his similarity to Valen. The dark eyes, hidden by even darker eyelashes and that barely noticeable tic he had when he was feeling impatient--he would tense his nose slightly, creating a wrinkle no one noticed. It was the same.

His black hair was longer than Valen's, growing out of a shaggy wolf cut, brushing the tips of his shoulders. Liyun was fair skinned, and his monolid eyes had more sobriety in them than Valen ever did.

"I'm rather irritated by the girl over there that hasn't stopped staring at my face since this door opened." His voice snapped me out of my daze, and I stopped gawking--at least having the decency to duck away and blush out of embarrassment. "I'm sorry, you just look like someone I once knew."

"...that had to be one of the most pathetic pick-up lines I'd ever heard."

My faint smile vanished, a frown replacing it as I tilt my head. "You're direct." Valen liked beating around the brush and avoiding things. This was a breath of fresh air.

"And you're making me uncomfortable... Joey, you have 3 minutes to explain," Liyun crosses his arms, relaxing against the doorframe (a.k.a., not looking uncomfortable in the slightest)
Joey pulls his arm, dragging him into the room and slamming the door closed. "Liyun, this is my new roommate Jinan el-Akabi. Jinan, this is my boyfriend's best friend, Li Liyun." Joey rushes the introductions and immediately glares at him.

"She's new dumbass, she's never seen you or anyone at this school before!"
That's a partial lie... Hussein made me go through all of the criminals' kids--I knew exactly who Li Liyun and Diego Castillo were.

The kids who were after Miraj. Hussein and not-yet-discovered me.

"If anyone's uncomfortable, don't you think she would be?" Joey demanded and I inhaled sharply, my breath hitching as they looked at me. I was uncomfortable for vastly different reasons than what Joey thought. The guy who tried to kill me less than 72 hours ago, is standing right in front of me.

It felt like an extreme sport. Like stealing the cookies before Christmas while my youngest sister was sleeping beside the Christmas tree, waiting for Santa. You never knew if she'd open her eyes or not.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever Lin, why are you here?"
"To pass on a gift, Diego's not here--he's busy but told me to give you something." Liyun hands Joey a neatly wrapped present and I tasted something sour in the back of my throat. Diego was currently after my dad, who was apparently trying to run away to the Italian Alps.

I had a feeling that the spell I cast to prevent Hussein from abandoning me was going to bite me in the ass later.

Joey squealed, causing me to jump slightly. I managed to sneak a peak at the contents and my eyes grew cup sizes. It was a set of lingerie. A shiver ran down my spine and I tried to contain my distain. For me, personally, lingerie from my boyfriend meant sex. And sex was not something I was particularly fond of.
I (fortunately) held back my grimace. Different strokes for different folks.

"I love it. Thank you," She held the box close to her chest and Liyun hid his chuckle. "I'll let him know."
I need to adjust to this new place for the third time.

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