Chapter 6: Meteor City

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The city on the horizon seemed wobbly through the heat of the sun. 

There was barely, if any, wildlife. Everything just looks so...dead. 

George noticed my reaction and began to chuckle.

"Yep. This is where I'm from."

He said that in a tone akin to reverence, but there was a trace of uncertainty that laced his voice.


"How did you get the name 'George'?"

It was a curious question. It was a really common name for such a non-normal individual. Though I bet he was just given it by whoever cared for him like normal families. If they don't have any officially documented name, their name can technically be anything right?... Kinda cool.

"Oh that, yep, picked it myself."


The car rumbled from the uneven ground. 

"Any reason in particular that you chose 'George'? It seems like a really basic name to have."

George gently turned the car to avoid a pothole. The movement was smooth like he did the same turn a million times before.


"Sorry! I didn't mean for that to sound rude-" 

George laughed once again. "It's fine, really. I get it Y/n. I woulda wondered the same thing."

Though he was looking towards the road, his eyes reflected nostalgia from a distant past. Like seeing your favorite childhood toy after twenty years of it being locked away. 

The city of the unknown grew closer and closer by the minute. 

"Back when I was young, one of my nannies had a small library of all the children's books she could find in decent condition. One of the books was a book about a boy named George who traveled the world to search for lost treasures."

The sun was reaching the end of its peak as it lowered bit by bit from the sky. It couldn't be later than five o'clock. George's eyes stayed straight ahead; his hands started to relax more on the steering wheel as he continued his story. 

"The boy was always off to explore and scavenge for new things... I was like that as a kid too. I guess I could relate to him with that. I was the explorer type. You took ya eyes off me for a second, and I bolted."

The squiggly lines outlining the city, though still more rampant than ever, died down a tad; showing we were getting closer. 

"What we didn't share, was how peaceful his life was. He always had friends to go to and was never really in a heck of a lot of danger. It was always...calm, even when he traveled. I never got that. Kids would go missing and we always worried about who was gonna be next. No one could or cared to stop it either. We were stuck." 


"That's awful, George."

I can't believe so many kids and to discover how humanity failed them. How many went missing and how many had to sit there hopeless when they experienced their friend being torn away?  

We were less than fifteen or so minutes away from the city. The sun's heat dampening as it slowly lost its grip. 

"Guess I wanted to be like the boy. Constantly in danger, but always safe. Always normal."

George said as we both looked towards the horizon.


It was around six-ish when we made it to the city. The clock on the dashboard read 18:36. 

The pungent smell of hot garbage filled my nostrils. Ah, reminds me of some of the kids I knew from my school days. 

We started to drive the car into the city. The streets were as clean as you'd expect. There were shady people in every dark corner. The few people around us seem...oh my God is that someone doing drugs?!

"George." I turn my head towards George slowly. "How the actual fuck do kids live here?" My tone was even, but the annoyance in my voice was clear. 

I knew it was bad, but holy shit. I didn't know it was this bad. At this point, we should just evacuate the kids. What the hell was that 'change in management' George was talking about? If I find the idiot who decided this was any form of a good idea, I'll be sure to give them a piece of my mind. 

The thought of kids running around and playing here made an ugly pit in my stomach form. George took a look at my expression and gave a breathy half-chuckle. 

"Yeah, we have a specific district for the kids and locals. It's in the center of the city. No one can come in if they ain't a kiddo or if the guards don't know 'em." I took a long sigh of relief. 

"So that center district is where we're going?" I ask.

George smiled. 



I stepped out of the car and George helped me grab my things from the back seat. It was still light outside, but it wasn't as scorching as it was before. There was a cool wind flowing around us.

"This should be it! I didn't pack too much, right?"

George hoisted the second suitcase out of the back of the jeep.

"You're gonna be here for a few months ain't ya? Two suitcases are fine. Let's get ya to the church. I set it up with Father Lisores and he's okay with you staying with him and the other nuns."

"Thank you so much. I helped Bisky set up arrangements, but I never really got to know the specifics." 

The walk to the gate wasn't long. George didn't want to be too far away from his car in case it got broken into. We spent the time with him telling the story of exactly how he learned that lesson. 

As we approached the gate George strode in front of me; going up to one of the five guards. 

"Hey Percival! How's it hangin'?" George must've been friends with the guard. 

"This was the girl I was talkin' about!" He turned towards me. "Percival this is Y/n, Y/n this is Percival. If you need any help, you can talk to this guy. He's been my best friend since we could walk!" Percival laughed as he and George clasped hands and went in for a hug. 

"Y/n, huh? I'll try to remember that. I'll let you right through." Percival walked to the gate and started undoing a lock. It was a strong metal door and I'm sure it would take all my strength just to push it. 

George and I said our goodbyes to the guards and walked inside. 



George: So, this is Meteor City 

Y/n, seeing someone literally doing drugs in broad daylight: Someone's going to die for this. 

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