Chapter 3: Training

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Training with Bisky is tough. 

Over these last two months, my daily routine consisted of waking up, getting something to eat, then going to the same forest to train. Bisky said it's impressive that my aura nodes opened so fast. It only took a couple of weeks. Bisky's still having me train my Ten, Ren, and Zetsu though.  It's been more fun than I thought physical training would be. I mean, Bisky only had me sleep outside with that damned rock over my head for a couple of nights. She's good company; despite the fact that she's the strictest teacher I've had in my life. 

"Okay Y/n, are you ready to find out your Nen type now?"

Oh dang, I was zoning out.  

Damn you internal monologue!

"...You weren't listening to a single thing I said." Bisky didn't phrase that like a question. She knew I wasn't paying attention after just looking at me. Wow, I guess we have grown closer over these last few weeks. 

"Of course, I was listening Bisky! Just...Do you mind repeating everything you just said?"



Bisky looks like she's about to throw a brick at my head. "Fine! But you have to give me 1,000 pushups after we figure out your Nen type." The look on my face suddenly drops. Of course, suppose that's somewhat fair.  Wait, people have distinct types of Nen? 

"What's a Nen type?"

I think I saw her eye just twitch. "Each person can be split into six different types of Nen groups: enhancer, transmuter, conjurer, specialist, manipulator, or emitter. What group you're in determines what type of Nen you have a natural aptitude for. The way to test this, and the way I just carefully explained," Not letting that go huh? "Is putting your aura into a cup with a leaf and whatever happens determines what Nen category you're in. It's called the Water Divination Test."

I see the glass with water and one of the leaves from the surrounding trees in front of me now. Oh. That seems simple enough. I put my hands around the cup and focused my aura on the cup. 

Small bits of yellow light began irrupting from the water in the cup and enveloping the leaf. The leaf began to shine and sparkle as it began to grow. The leaf began to morph into a flower from the species of tree it was from. Woah...I can do that? I start to lean in closer, examining the newly blossomed flower floating in the still-glittery water. 

"Y/n you can stop now!" Bisky started to call from behind me. What is she- oh I'm still channeling my Nen into the cup. It was starting to crack and then fix itself all over again; spilling some water out in the process. Cool...

I shut off my Nen and look back at Bisky, "What does that mean?"

"Well," Bisky began, "since I can't say I've seen that before. That means you're a specialist."

"What do specialists do?" Every other category made sense, enhancers probably enhance their aura and manipulators manipulate their aura, but what do specialists do? They seem like the oddball here. 

"Specialists don't fit into any other group because they can be anything. Though conjuring and manipulation are typically stronger for most specialists, even that's not set in stone."

"I can choose anything?"

"Yes, but the more complex abilities need more set conditions put on it in order for it to actually be effective. It's a strict balance, so you can't wish for time travel or super intelligence with no strings attached. Nen is a give-and-take. It's based on the desire of the user. The stronger the desire, the more strength that Nen ability has because of the strong connection the user has to it." 

That makes some sense. 

"You have any idea what'cha want?"


What do I want? 

"I want... a Nen ability that could help people." Yeah, that sounds about right. 

"You know how little that narrows it down? Hugh, I guess that's a start though."

"Heh heh...yeah...sorry..." I laugh nervously.  I guess she's right. 

"You can think about it later; you still got pushups awaiting you."


"Yep! You're sure gonna learn actually to listen to me today!"

"Sometimes I question your sanity..."

"You wanna make it 10,000?"

"No ma'am...ugh."

"That's what I thought, and don't call me ma'am!" 


"Hugh... My muscles are so sore..." I walk into my apartment; flipping on the light switch by the door and then tugging my sneakers off. My body weight drags across the dim wooden floors as I drop my backpack with a faint plop.

Bisky really worked me to the bone today...1,000 of anything is too much for a punishment. My hands are still covered in dirt from the forest ground. They hurt too. 

"God, I need a shower."

I walk into my apartment bedroom and open my dresser. The clothes sprawled and slightly bunched in some drawers. I reach for a plain black shirt and some shorts. Well, underwear too but that doesn't add that much to the aesthetic of the outfit. With fresh clothes,  I make my way to the bathroom. 

I start to get in the shower and undress the dirt-stained clothes. I take a step in, letting the warming-up water relax my muscles. Curse you Bisky. 

...What would I want for a Nen ability?

Thinking of the topic from earlier today, I don't really know what would be a good Nen ability. I don't want anything really basic like flying or something. I want something unique.  

Maybe I could put a spin on something general...a spin on what though!?

I start to grab my shampoo. 

I want something that would help people; I at least know that much...I don't think I'd want an ability that would hurt.

Maybe something that could heal.



I'll have a healing ability!

I rinse my hair in the now hot water. Determination washed over me as I lathered conditioner to the ends of my hair. 

How could I make a healing ability more unique? I mean, it's just as simple as putting aura into another person to accelerate the healing process right? 


I grab my body wash and wash towel and start to scrub my body free from grime and mud. After I rise, I step out of the shower and grab my towel. 

What could I change about a healing ability?



Wassup whoever's reading this! This lovely author note is here to tell yall that I will now be trying to post every week on Friday until this passion project is finished! By that, I mean that there will always be at least one chapter a week unless I tell you all before. Since each chapter is only 1,000ish words, I might be able to add more than one chapter in a week. I still have school and stuff (currently writing this during study hall) I still have homework and that may take up a bit of my time! Thank you (if ur reading this, I personally adore u <3)!

Chapter note months later:

Yeah I had no idea why I said that only 3 chapters in. Please disregard the uploading schedule, but please know I have too much pride to not at least try to finish this. T-T

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