Chapter 2: Nen?

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How does she know my name? I can't remember sharing that with a random kid. 

"Uh. I'm sorry little girl, but I think you have the wrong person. I don't think I've ever seen you before. How do you know my name?"

The girl in question didn't look like she could be over 14. She had on a poofy pink dress and two ponytails adorning both sides of her head. Her eyes narrowing then widening in realization. 

"Oh! You think I'm a kid. Ha! That's funny." She then raised her arm and pointed at me with a determined look. "As per the Hunter Association's request, I'm your new nen teacher." The look in her eyes not faltering even when my gaze turned more and more confused. "Why would the Hunter Association want you to teach me? Also, what's nen?" 

"Nen is a technique that allows a person to manipulate their life energy. Since a person's life energy, or aura, is different and unique to them, it leads to very interesting hatsu for a lot of people. You, Y/n are going to learn nen from me and polish whatever talent you have."

What is she talking about? Hatsu?  "Who are you?"

"Hm? I'm the one and only Biscuit Krueger, but you can call me Bisky." 

"How old are you?"

"Hey! Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age? Who raised this generation with such a lack of manners?" Biscuit looked increasingly annoyed by the minute. I guess that was kind of rude. "I'm sorry Ms. Biscuit." Might as well turn to flattery. "You just look so youthful, despite obviously knowing your stuff. I just wanted to know how a lady as seemingly so accomplished as you can appear so young." Did I lay that on too thick? I should work on my smooth talking skills. 

"..." Biscuit pauses for a second before turning her head to blush. Did she catch on to my apparent lack of BS-ing skills??  "Oh, you. I think I'm starting to like you already!" Biscuit said before bashfully waving her hand in the air. Well, never mind. 

"Now Y/n, I need you to come with me."

"Wait but I still don't know you-"

Biscuit started to drag me by my arm; pulling me in a random direction away from the cafe. 

"M-ms. Biscuit, where are we going?"

"You can just call me Bisky. Though, if you insist on honorifics, you can always call me Lady Bisky." She put her free hand to her cheek. 

"Oh my God, I'm being kidnapped."

"Haha, yeah."


Bisky pulled me into the forest by the outskirts of the town I'm staying in. At least my house is nearby. Wait. am I about to get murdered? No, she said she wanted to teach me nen right? ... Nin? Nen? Whatever she was going on about. 

The forest is cool. The shade from the trees only letting small rays of sunlight through their leaves. 

"Alright! Sit down, you're gonna start to meditate." Bisky led me to a stump and sat me down. "Why do I need to meditate? I think I could've just meditated in the comfort of my home." I state; sitting down on the old stump. I place my hands near my sides and try(keyword: try) to get as comfortable as I can. 

"You sure ask a lot of questions," Bisky replied snarkily. "Alright, it's best we start from square one. You just recently passed the Hunter Exam, and that makes you an official hunter on paper, but not to actual hunters." Huh? "What are you-" "One of the main aspects of being a hunter is knowing nen. So, even though you passed on paper, the exam isn't over yet." Okay, I guess that makes a bit of sense. 

"You have a lot of potential, but it will only be useful if you train it right."

"You said nen is specific to each person, does that mean I get to choose?" Do I really get any power I want? What would I want?

"Well, it's a little more complicated than that but- yeah pretty much. However, some abilities are developed subconsciously based on the user's desire. Each nen user has a hatsu made to reflect their own personality and ideals. Whatever you get reflects you as a person." Bisky said with an informative tone. "So, how do I start, Bisky?" How do I start? I could do so much with this. I could help so many people. 

Bisky began to grin. "That leads me back to the meditation. You need to meditate to be able to open your aura nodes." 

"...How long is that going to take?" 

"A few months at least."


"Is there a faster way? I have plans." I want to help and do my part as a hunter as fast as I can. 

"There is a way to open it instantly, but you're not doing that," Bisky said in a way that had no room for objection, but how the HECK CAN SHE DROP THAT BOMBSHELL ON ME AND HAVE ME NOT EXPECT A FOLLOW-UP?

"What? Why not?" I have to know what could be so bad about a faster way to do this. 

"Doing it that way and doing it wrong can lead to massive complications. I'm not one to want to accidentally kill my students. Especially before the training really starts." I don't like how she said that last part. 

"Okay, let's do this. I'm still not sure why I have to be out here just to meditate though. I, personally, would prefer doing this from the comfort of my own home."

Why is Bisky looking at me like that? 

"Well, we need the surroundings for your physical training too." I stared back at her with a blank expression. "What? You think I'm gonna let you laze around and meditate all the time? Hah! No, I'm putting you to work!" Her confident posture and satisfied smirk are only giving me dread. She sure seems excited. 

"Are you going to kill me?" I don't think she will anymore, but it's better to cover all bases...Yeah, probably not the best idea to follow, or more so get dragged, by an unknown stranger into the middle of a forest.

You should really think more Y/n. 

"Pfft- No. If I actually did want you dead, you'd be dead already. You're growing too much on me for me to want to do that!" Bisky filled the serene forest with a few chuckles. Her voice almost echoing against the dense trees. 

Was that a threat?  "Thanks?"


"How old are you though?"

I suddenly felt someone wack the side of my head. 

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