You are my wife, not someone else's

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"I am here," Dylan announced as he pushed Eniola's hand and the gun fell right at Marvin's feet, Marvin picked it up immediately.

"DPO, you claim to know it all but you know nothing so why don't I open up your real sense or let you realize what is going on here" Dylan moved closer to Marvin. "He is a merman," he said pointing to Marvin "while I am the Isnamerman, the backbone of death and I am at your doorstep" Dylan smiled then he pushed Eniola to the ground violently.

"Don't think because you are a woman I will show mercy on you. But I do not know why I love talking to you all before I kill you, we have Bobby in our hands so he can guide us to the rest but yours won't be the same because you are destined to meet your fateful end today" he added.

Eniola laughed hilariously as she got back on her feet and walked slowly backward, she quickly pulled out a gun from the safe behind her pointing it at them both. "One thing about me is that I am always prepared, you cannot kill me but I will kill. The cameras in the office have recorded all your actions here as well as your true forms, so it will be seen as self-defense even if I kill you" she added with a wicked smile on her face.

She released the bullet towards Marvin who ducked in time then it hit the bulb behind causing a spark and a fire broke out. Marvin rushed over to the door and locked it "I have the door locked with my power Dylan, she won't go anywhere and no one will enter here" Dylan rushed over to Eniola and hit her head with the gun she was holding. Eniola fell to the floor then Marvin and Dylan both pushed the bigger shelf and it fell on her. "Slowly as the fire burns, you will meet your end," Dylan said as his eyes turned red.


Two men entered an old hut in the bush where they had entered. "It should be here," the first man said. "Even I do not know" the other man replied but they heard a voice from behind. "You are at the right place" an old man's voice echoed in the dark side. He stood and came to the center where the two men stood "Yes you are at the place where you are meant to be. I am the great Occultist, the best of them all. And I know the reason why you have come here so do not let us drag the matter long" the old man replied.

"Yes, we know. We have come here because of the death luring over us, the merman or mermaid killing our people. If they continue like this, we will all be dead in a matter of time" the other man said. "So what are we to do now" the first man asked with a look of concern on his face. "That is why I have told you, you are at the right place. But this creature you are talking about is not just an ordinary creature but a merman, not an ordinary merman as well but the Isnamerman the most powerful of them all" the old man said.

"Enough of your old story, the problem is what we should be talking about or else he will kill us all including you. Does he know we all are collectively selling out the country?" the second man replied.

"He knows everything, that is why he must have come here, we all must cover our tracks from now on. You want to sell the country for money and kill the people living in it just like we had ended Lemuria years ago. History will repeat itself but this time it would be more disastrous because we are taking the whole country down and I want the most precious and valuable item of the deal, the merman pearl, the gem the Isnamerman has consecrated in his forehead" the old man added.

"But we do not know him in short we cannot identify him" The first man explained their problem further. "You may not be able to but I and my instrument will recognize him for sure," The old man said with a smile "You both go, the ball is in my court now, I will hunt him down" he swore.

In a laboratory, chemicals are being mixed to carry out evil deeds. Some men seated in a corner plot their evil plan. "So the issue now is a merman trying to save the country?" a man with his face covered with broad clothes, said in a foreign accent and tone.

"Yes, according to the occultist he has been killing our men which means he will get to us soon but we also have to act fast as soon as we can. We have to release the poison sooner or later or else our plan will flop and we will get caught in the middle ourselves " the first man responded with a little grin on his face. "This issue is much more than anything I can think of but before that come see something," the man said and beckoned to the first man to follow him.

The man took the first man to a room behind the closed door, walked towards a table covered with cloth, and flipped the covering cloth. The man gasped suddenly as he saw what was there, the table was full of reptiles all in different glasses. "What do you plan to do with them?" The first man asked.

The man gave a loud laugh before he finally talked, "They are the solution to our problem. These reptiles which consist of snakes, frogs, and the likes of their kind have poisons in them, it is the poisons in them we have been extracting for what we have been using to infect people.

You may have been wondering why some of them haven't died yet, it is because we added some other elements so the poison can be slowed but anyone infected will die after a month. It has been three weeks since we striked last so anytime soon there will be death, and not just deaths but thousands of deaths and cries which will give me peace" the man said as he brought his face closer to the table gazing at the reptiles.

"But why are these kept separate?" The first man asked. "You aren't so foolish as I think," he said and tapped him on the shoulder "Yes they are kept separate because they are very special. I have been working on it for so long and I have been able to create an AI that will be in our control. It will carry out the work in our favor to the designated place, the village where most drink from the river. Once the river is polluted the village is gone" he said as he called his hands together with happiness gladly shown through his intentions.


Marvin got out of the car outside the mansion with high hopes after getting some more crucial evidence from Professor Flora. He looked around as he walked then he heard the sound of an Instrument playing. "What is that? why does it sound the same as what those occultists played the other time" he touched his hair as he felt dizzy then he attempted to run but he was faced by two men who blocked him.

The old occultist continued to play the instrument till Marvin gradually lost consciousness and fell, the two men handcuffed him and carried him into the car they had brought outside. "Old one are we done?" one of the men asked. "No, we aren't we have not captured the one whom we came here for" he replied. "But how do you know if he is the one or not?" the man asked again. "My instincts are never wrong, something unusual happened that night when we attacked them but I do not know what it is. We have captured this one probably he might have some answers to our questions but we still have to wait" he said as he gave them the signal to enter the car with him.

Thomas and Doris sat on the bed talking about their lives "I thought I would get you but I couldn't" Thomas said as tears streamed down his cheeks. Doris picked up the handkerchief on the bed and used it to wipe his face slowly as they both gazed into each other's eyes. "I am so sorry...I am the one who has given you the pain you are in today, please forgive me" she begged then Thomas held her hand and drew her closer for a hug.

Doris turned suddenly and saw Dylan "Dylan" she called out. "Yes Dylan, what is he doing here? You are my wife, not someone else's, I did not force you to get married to me but you were the one that proclaimed your love to me so why be in the arms of another man" Dylan shouted with rage.

"Dylan he was just crying so I thought of consoling him that's all" Doris defended. "You will surely defend him since he is your husband and not me, just file for a divorce from me then you can leave the life you want" Dylan said with anger. "Dylan why are you....", Doris spoke but Dylan shut her up not allowing her to complete her statement "Don't Dylan me" he walked out of the room with anger immediately. "Dylan does not love me so why is he being so possessive for the past few hours? What is going on in that head of his?" Doris thought within herself.

The old man saw Dylan walk out of the mansion in a rush and then to the gate as he looked around like a lost sheep "He is the one, the one who appears once in a century, the Isnamerman I can feel it" the old man said as he got out of the car in a rush and hurried towards Dylan as he gripped him by the hand.

"Welcome, the party shouldn't start before you the one who has been chosen among thousands, the Isnamerman" the old man said with a smile while fear was clearly seen on Dylan's face. "Get into that car quietly or I will reveal your true form to everyone here," the old man said as he brought out a transparent bottle containing seawater. Dylan gasped and breathed slowly.

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