Authors note

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Going to stop writing this story for a little bit and write my other story called suicidal, I may start my next chapter on this story before I go to sleep or before I even begin to get further into writing chapter one of suicidal.

I have wrote maybe 600 words which ain't a lot if I'm gonna be honest, also it's based off of personal experience in some parts and in some other parts it's also from experience but not my experience.

I'm really sorry tho about the cliffhanger on last chapter I just wanna have a break from this one as I have a writers block on this story and have had too many writing this one.

I actually restarted the whole chapter 5 or 6 as I didn't actually like what I had put for it which I still don't but it's better than what I originally put.

But say goodbye to updates on this book and on these chapters all I have and want to say to everyone is, goodnight from me.

This has been one of the best things so far even if I haven't been writing for too long it feels like I have been doing it for years, even if I don't have many views I still make these stories for fun.

They help get my mind off things and just help me have ideas for the actual book I have been wanting to make for a few months but never had any proper ideas.

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