Chapter 2

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(A few days before Louis finds out)
~Louis' perspective~

I went looking for my best mate Niall who I have been mates with for most of my life, I moved from Doncaster at the age of 2, I don't remember much of there but have heard stories of me when I lived there, I get embarrassed with some of the stories I have heard it's as if I wasn't a normal baby, I had a passion for football at a young age I started to like football at the age of 2 or atleast that's what my mum has told me and I will always believe everything my mum says.

I ended up finding Niall near the vending machine, he then asked "Louis mate do you know when we find out if we got on the team?" I then replied "we might find out tomorrow just depends" Niall nodded, the bell then went off to signal us it's time to go back to class. Me and Harry are in this class together which makes it better and worse at the same time, I can't lie Harry isn't ugly he is quite attractive if I do say so myself.

When I arrive in Maths I find out that I actually have to sit next to Harry this year, which makes makes it a bit better because I'm sat to someone who I kind of like, even though I haven't ever had a proper conversation with him. He seems nice he is attractive and he also seems quite smart from what I have seen so far, once he realises who I am he actually starts talking to me a bit, as we had talked a few days beforehand, I ended up liking maths for once but this was the only class I have with him so far, I haven't been to all my classes,I have only been to boring ones like History, Religious studies, Science, Spanish. Normally maths is shit but this year it's good so far, and next period I'm in music which I love.

When the bell rang for the upcoming period I sighed because I didn't want to leave maths yet. When I made it to music the teacher called out the role before telling us where to sit but the teacher put us in the order of the role, and my name goes after Harry's because it goes based on surnames, the starting letter to his last name is S by the way incase you're unaware, mine begins with a T again incase you're unaware.

When music had finally ended I just felt alone in a way, but I walked over to the teacher and asked "Can you give me an idea of how to compose the music for a song I have wrote for someone?" The teacher agreed and taught me all the simple notes on a keyboard and simple strings on guitar, I have made covers of songs before which got me into writing my own music in a way, but there is obviously more than one reason, I actually wrote a song or two about Harry in less than 24 hours but it's easy to write about him.

When I got home I realised how lonely I actually was I didn't have Niall over, my mum and sisters were out of the house so I just felt alone. Then I heard a knock on the door the person who had actually knocked on it was a popular lad and it was Liam Payne, Niall was beside him but there was a popular lad right outside my house that's not a normal thing for me, Zayn arrived about 10 minutes after Liam and Niall which was no surprise as Liam and Zayn were dating, but there was another knock and that's when I actually questioned "who is it this time?" But I was shocked to see Harry Styles outside my house.

I stood looking at the tall curly haired lad for a good few seconds before telling him to come in, I then pulled Niall aside and asked him "What the fuck do you think your doing bringing Harry Styles here?" He told me that he didn't know why he was there and it was only meant to be Liam and Zayn coming with him. Once I calmed down enough I entered the room that the other lads were in and sighed mentally, I then looked over at harry and he looked so hot at this point and time, his hair makes him looks so much better because it's up in a really cute bun.

Zayn then started to talk about some random thing about how he would love to start a band, I would've spoke up saying about how I can sing a bit but I'm not that good but before I could even finish thinking that Niall ended up yelling "Louis can sing and he sounds amazing!" I grimaced over at him, Harry smirked at the words that came out of Nialls mouth, Zayn was the only one to reply but he must have been in disbelief as his reply was "Wait Louis can sing? Since when? C'mon Louis you have to sing for us now" I shook my head as a motion of saying no, I didn't need Harry to hear me sing from day one.

Zayn and Liam left a little bit before 8pm but Niall wanted to stay for food and I guess Harry did aswell because he was sat on a chair still and had been from he came over, I then decided to speak up to ask "Is anyone hungry if you are what food do you want" Harry shrugged while Niall sat thinking but ended up asking Harry instead. Harry actually spoke up and said "Get whatever you want I'll pay, and get as much as you want" Niall decided we should get pizza which we were happy with and we sat and ate most of it, Niall wanted me to put a few slices in the fridge for him to have tomorrow after school, Niall always comes over after school for no reason.

This chapter was actually longer than intended which is weird as I do normally make my chapters over 3000 words each but that's because I normally have all persp in one chapter and it gets harder to think of things now with less ideas as it's not going from Louis to Harry and same over again it's quite easy from there but I'll put up some updates one when I will write some of these just check my prologue for the updates as that's where I'm putting updates.

Truth Or Dare (Larry fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora