I join in the banter, crossing my arms playfully. "Maybe we should place bets on how long it takes for him to break down. I say three seconds after he sees you walking down the aisle."

"Your dad is walking Luna right?" Sophia smirks and I nod. "Yeah I say one look at Luna and other at his dad and he's bawling." 

Luna rolls her eyes, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "You guys are terrible! I just hope I can make it down the aisle in these shoes. I'm so switching to sneakers as soon as I can, and we're ripping the train off this dress after the first dance."

"Oh god," Grace laughs. "I'll get my scissors on stand by so we can at least still make it couture."

As the final touches are being made to Luna's bridal look, she takes a deep breath and looks at me with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Cécé, do you mind checking on Jules? Make sure he's not having a nervous breakdown or something. Or if Ezra isn't talking him into doing something irrational." I smirk, already knowing that Jules is probably pacing nervously in some room, wrestling with his tie or maybe trying to remember his vows. Ezra, I think, wants this wedding as much as the rest of us. "Consider it done. I'll make sure he's holding it together." I make my way to the door, but before I can leave Sophia calls me back with a pretty grin. "Hey Céline, make sure Rémy doesn't slip over his drool when he sees you." With a wink I disappear to where I assume Jules is getting ready.

The hotel is abuzz with wedding preparations, and I follow the sound of hushed voices and laughter to find the groomsmen's quarters. I'm also kind of relieved I haven't bumped into my mom and dad, as they have no idea, I brought a plus one, let alone he was already invited and it's Ezra's little brother we're talking about. And uuhm hello, the fact that's he not just a plus one but my boyfriend... 

With a nervous smile I knock on the door, and I hear some ruffling behind it. "Who is there!?" Someone yells and it doesn't take me long to realize it's Ezra.

I think about it for a second, but then... "Luke."

"Luke who!" Ezra yells back.

"Luke through the peephole and find out." I say dryly. "It's me, Céline." I roll my eyes and then the door pops open, Ezra sticking his head through the doorway.

"Just so you know, that knock-knock joke was a disgrace!" He mutters while letting me in, quickly shutting the door behind me.

"Yeah, well, I'm not here for a comedy show; I'm here to check on my brother." I smile at Ezra, who looks sharp in his tux.

Ezra shrugs with his signature smirk. "He almost cried four times."

"Only four times?" I purse my lips, "He is keeping it together."

Ezra's smirk puts those Miller dimples to work as he gazes down at me. "Rémy will be here soon too, he went to get us coffee. He's going to trip over his own tongue when he sees you."

"Slaving out your little brother now?" I squeeze my eyes at him, while he gestures towards Jules tying his fancy dress shoes, Levi sitting comfortably on the couch. "Besides, about last night. Not cool."

"Hey," Ezra holds up his hands. "Abstinence it the best protection against pregnancy Cé." And then he adds a wink and I'm rolling my eyes so hard I almost give myself a headache. "Nice eyeroll. You'll thank us later though."

"Yeah, well, eye-rolling is the best protection against unsolicited advice." I shake off Ezra's comment before making my way to Jules and as soon as he sees me, he's all smiles. "Heard you only almost cried four times? That's good right?"

Jules releases me from the hug, a grateful smile on his face. "Thanks for checking in, Cé. It means a lot. How is Luna. She okay?" He sounds a little worried.

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