Poolside Romance- Prologue/ Description

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  • Dedicated to Everyone :)

NOTE: There is a slight confusion with the eye color of the guy being blue or brown but I don't really have the time to edit it so take your pick and just imagine his eyes to be that color through out and I apologize for any confusion that causes. 

Thank you for taking time 2 read this story :)



Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, that’s her... - UNKNOWN 


Poolside Romance


One second; scratch that, the blink of an eye- that’s all it takes for that tingling feeling to shoot down your spine. Sometimes its fear, sometimes it’s the cold but sometimes, its love.

 A sudden indescribable feeling passes through every single vein in our body the moment we catch sight of that one person. That's how I'd describe it.

(S)he is all you can think of for the rest of the day, month or maybe year. Maybe you're so unfortunate that you can't see anyone else the way you see him or her for the rest of your life. 

The spark that you feel when your arm brushes against that someone, or when you catch them looking at you- the uncontrollable smile it brings to your face.

 You just can't help grinning, can you? 

Sometimes, that’s exactly what love feels like- inexpressible, uncontrollable and completely unknown. And when it lasts, its ecstasy. 

At least when it struck me, this is just how I felt. I felt lost, scared and most of all ecstatic.

 I was waiting for the next moment I would catch him glancing in my direction, the next moment I would accidentally collide with him or the next moment when he would send a flashing smile in my direction. He was all I longed for. He was the only one I felt that something towards. Maybe it was love.

Ever heard the quote: 

‘We were given Two hands to hold, two legs to walk,  two eyes to see, two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else, for us to find'?

 I thought I'd found the other half of my heart in him.

And yet, I simply let him go. Now I wish I’d had the courage to confess, but I just didn’t. I’d lost the other half of my heart- forever. You'll never know how disappointing love can get until it hits you and good lord, it sure is an experience.

Here I am, still longing for you, Andrew

 You know why? 

Because if I am Juliet, then you're Romeo

If I'm Cinderella, You're Prince Charming

If I'm Pocahontas, you're John Smith

But I'm none of them. I'm just Millie, and you're the Andrew I will never get.


I really, really hope you liked it till now. Please do continue reading, I won't let you down.

Thank you for your time. Please:






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