17. Betrayal (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Run, Chigiri!" He yelled. "You're the best striker in the world, aren't you?"

The pink-haired boy just sighed with annoyance. He didn't run. But Y/N noticed his fists clenching with frustration at his sides, and his eyes slowly growing more and more angry at the idea he might lose his soccer career.

As much as Chigiri didn't want to admit he wanted to play soccer, Y/N could see it clear as day. So he kept shouting, encouraging Chigiri to chase after the ball.

Isagi was trying so incredibly hard. He fought, running like crazy, sprinting from place to place. In fact, all of Team Z was trying their hardest in order to just stay alive.

Nobody had time to think about Chigiri, and nobody wanted to except for Y/N, who padded back to defence.

"Chigiri, are you really going to lose here?" He questioned, blinking in an act of innocence.

"What does that mean?"

"You're scared to run." Y/N stated, repeating what Chigiri had told him in the first half of the game. "So you're gonna let your dreams die out, and live the rest of your life not running again?"

"If I do run, I could never run again. It might tear."

Y/N coolly met Chigiri's eyes with his own. "To me, never playing soccer again is a worse fate than never being able to walk again." In the middle of the match, with Team Z already down two players, he was talking to Chigiri only. "I would risk it. Because soccer's worth risking my life, no, soccer is my life."

He pointed out over the field.

Isagi was running like a demon, stringing passes together, tackling, dribbling, slicing through Team W's lines. The only ones who could stop him were the Wanima brothers, and even they took a bit of effort. His play bordered on insanity, as he struggled desperately against Team W's crushing grip on the game.

Team Z was fighting with him. Raichi was constantly moving, marking and fighting the Team W midfielders three against one. Bachira's dribbling was manic, full of energy. Kunigami was calling orders left and right.

"This is soccer. Intense soccer, the kind that you've always wanted to play. This is the fight to become the best striker in the world, and you're sitting it out."

Y/N turned away from Chigiri. If he doesn't join soon enough, then maybe he just never had an ego in the first place. "Ask yourself - what the hell are you doing, not fighting?"

The timer hit zero, and a sharp whistle blew. The automated voice rang out from above. "Three minutes, additional time."

"Get the ball!" Y/N was startled by the ball flying past him, towards Chigiri's feet. Isagi came steaming after it, his teeth gritted as his eyes burnt with passion.

When Chigiri didn't accept the ball, Isagi roughly barged into him. He took the ball, running back up the field with a rough cry of desperation. Only a few minutes left, and all of their soccer careers could be over.

Y/N watched as Isagi barely managed to avoid being tackled.

Wait... A rush of movement on the left side of the field. It was impressive speed. Nothing compared to Julian though... Or me, I guess. But it was impressive nonetheless, and completely blew past everyone on the wing.

Isagi must've spotted it too, because he launched the ball across the field. It wasn't an accurate, nor good pass, but it was in space where the ball wouldn't be stolen for a few seconds.

"Idiot!" One of the brothers said. "We'll clear it, and this game will be as good as over! Get the ball, Kuon!"

Kuon replied, grinning with the same madness as the Wanima brothers. "Alright!" He ran over to near the ball, about to boot it off the field. "And that's victory-"


Chigiri exploded between Kuon and another Team W member, speeding past them easily to pick up the ball. He knocked it forwards, dribbling at a fast pace with huge strides.

The entire field exploded with noise.

"Is he for real?!" 

"What's with that crazy speed?!"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Go, Chigiri!"

"We can draw! Just one more!"

The taller Wanima brother attempted to tackle him, but Chigiri kicked the ball far forwards. His speed increased even more than when he was dribbling, and he leapt over the extended leg.

The shorter brother was next, grabbing onto Chigiri's shoulder with desperation as he tried to pull the pink-haired boy away from his path. The keeper came out in unison, both players trying to stop the Chigiri train.

Y/N grinned, as Chigiri's speed increased yet again. He shrugged off the brother like it was nothing, powering towards the ball. The keeper went in for a low block. Chigiri raised a foot, and the ball glanced off of it.

It wasn't a strong kick by any means. Chigiri barely managed to scrape the ball, mid jump over Team W's goalkeeper. But it did go in, straight into the middle of the goal, tying up the score 4-4 as the whistle blew.

"Hmmm..." Nobody could hear Y/N as he hummed with curiosity. "There are some good talents here, aren't there?" 

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