I took my towel off revealing my naked body except for my black panties. I slipped the tube top over my head and situated it until I was comfortable with it.

"Can I see you now?" I heard Gemma from my TV stand.

"I guess," I propped my phone up to my TV so Gemma could see me again.

"Ooo, sexy panties," she laughed. "Let's see it with the jeans," she said, getting serious again.

I quickly slipped the jeans up my legs, zipping and buttoning them. I stepped back so she could see the outfit in full. I can tell that it needs something, but I don't know exactly what.

"Go grab that black leather jacket and put it on for me," Gemma said, taking me from my thoughts.

I did what she said and took my leather jacket from my small jacket section in my closet. I came back into Gem's view and put it on. I turned my body away from her, looking into my full length mirror. This is definitely what my outfit needed.

"Do you know where this date is?" I asked Gemma.

"You guys are going to a restaurant. I think it's called Millie's or something like that. It's close to you,"

"Good, I can ditch as soon as it gets bad," I laughed.

"I promise you right now, you won't ditch. He's a good guy," she smiled. "Now get ready because he's texting me at the moment to make sure of the time you're gonna meet up,"

"And what time is that?"

"7:15," she said, as she began to text him back.

"He's going to be in the restaurant already when you get there. Once you get there a server will take you to the table where he already is. Just wanted to prepare you," she explained.

"I'm gonna go now, thanks for the help. I need to pick some shoes, fix up my hair and do a little makeup. I'll text you later tonight about everything if I feel up for it,"

"Good luck and remember to have fun. It doesn't have to be a bad date if you make it what you want it to be,"

"Love you, Gem," I said, kissing my hand and blowing her the kiss.

"I love you," she smiled before ending the call.

I guess it's time for me to actually get ready.

I'm really nervous to be honest. I didn't think I would be, but the way that Gemma has been talking this guy up to me, I am.

Ever since I reluctantly agreed to this date, she's been telling me little things about him. He apparently has brown hair, pretty tall, and she said that he is attractive, but she could never date him. When I asked her why she wouldn't date him if the chance of her and Michal not working out, and all she says is that he isn't her type. So I've given up on nagging her about this mystery guy I'll be on a date with in less than an hour.

I finish brushing through my hair before I decide I'm going to put up half of my hair. Because my hair is naturally a little wavy, I think my hair looks best and fuller with it half up. I go over and look in my mirror to play with my hair to make sure it's how I want it to be. After a while, I give up and call it good because I don't want to waste anymore time than I already am.

Time for me to do my makeup.

Any day that I actually decide to wear makeup, I only do a little bit of mascara, concealer if I need it and some highlighter. On special days I will put on some lipstick or lip gloss, so I put some clear lip gloss on as well.

There is a stereotype for women where guys think that we cake all types of makeup on our faces to make ourselves look beautiful. Which, to a certain extent, some women do. But, personally, I don't. I feel worse about myself with layers of makeup on my face.

I feel less confident in my own skin when I have all of that makeup on. Almost like I'm wearing a mask. To be honest, there have been days where I need that mask so that I'm not myself, but it doesn't happen all too often. And I love that about myself. I like feeling like me.

My minimal makeup is done, all I need to do now is put my shoes on and I should be ready to go. I go into my closet and look at my array of shoes scattered across my floor. I think my outfit needs boots of some kind. I begin going through my few pairs of boots and land on some black ones to complete the outfit. I put those on and go stand in front of my mirror yet again.

I can definitely say that I am checking myself out. I look really good. And if my date doesn't see that, then I'm ditching and leaving him there. 

I'm joking. 

A little bit.

I rush into my bathroom after seeing the time and quickly put on my deodorant and my signature perfume. Gucci Flora.

It may be expensive, but it is so worth it. It smells amazing. A few sprits of that and I'm finally all set.

One last look in the mirror and the time on my phone and I know it's finally time to leave.

I slip my phone in my small black purse along with my keys and wallet. I take that in my left hand and finally leave my apartment. I take the elevator down to the lobby and I'm finally on my way to the restaurant a few blocks down.

I'm nervous to say the least.

I decide to call Gemma to waste time and to distract my nerves.

"What do you think of your date?" She asked as soon as she answered.

"I'm still walking there," I said, passing by small shops on the way.

"It's a good thing I didn't say his name then," she laughed. "How are you feeling?"


"That's alright," she said. "Are you excited at all?"

"I'm excited to eat," I laughed. "But yeah, I am. I hope it goes well," I sighed heavily.

"It should. I promise he's a really good guy. I can only talk him up so much. He will treat you amazingly and if he doesn't I'll hurt him," she warned.

"You won't have to hurt him," I began. "I'll hurt him first,"

All Gemma could do was laugh at what I had said.

"I just made it outside the restaurant so I'm gonna go. Do you have any last words for me?" I asked.

"Good luck and don't be mad at me,"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, really confused.

"You'll understand when you see him. I love you,"

"Love you, Gem," I hung up.

I took a deep breath and calmed all of my nerves before going inside.

Here goes nothing.

"Hi, I have a reservation under Gemma Styles," I said to the woman behind the podium.

"The other half of the reservation is already here. Right this way," she smiled before leading me to the back of the restaurant.

Let's do this.

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