V.1 - 9. The Badge and The Burden

Start from the beginning

Ozpin: Leaning back into his chair. "With what Qrow told me, Quite a few years before he joined us, he... traveled quite a lot with a small group of people which apparently was fine at first but after a while these people would get injured and it became more frequent and worse over time. So to F/n whenever someone joined him they would get seriously hurt or... nearly killed so it been on his conscience ever since." Glynda gains a shock expression.

Glynda: "Really?" Ozpin's nods. "So that's why he doesn't like being around people... poor child, that's not healthy."

Ozpin: "He's probably not realised it yet but from what Qrow told me F/n thinks he's cursed."

The views pans to the moon as Ozpin continues to speaks.

Ozpin off screen: "But it obvious to me, from what Qrow told me... he's not cursed just incredibly reckless and prefers to work alone even in a team, which needs to change... Fast."


Next morning the view starts at a window overlooking beacon Academy from Team RWBY's new room as it pans over to Weiss sleeping peacefully in her bed, her eyes slowly opening as she stretches her arms above her head yawning, while Ruby creeps up on Weiss's side then suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to dramatically fall of her bed.

Ruby: "Good morning, team RWBY!"

Weiss: From the floor. "What in the world is wrong with you?! Who blows a whistle in someone's ear!"

Ruby: ignoring Weiss's complaint. "Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business."

Weiss: She gets up and brushes herself off. "Excuse me our what?"

Yang: holding various items while Blake is dressed next to her. "Decorating!"

Weiss: "What?!"

Blake: lifting her suitcase. "We still have to unpack."then the suitcase opens, spilling her stuff out. "Aaaand clean."

Weiss not looking enthusiastic especially when Ruby startles her again with the blow of her whistle as it causes her to fall again.

Ruby: "Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission!" raises her fist into the air. "Banzai!"

Ruby,Blake and Yang: doing the same at her sides. "Banzai!" they turn at an angle as Weiss lays on the floor not amused.

Yang places a poster of six guys in various poses called "THE ACHIEVE MEN" on her part of the room while Weiss positions the painting of the Forever Fall forest to trying angle it perfectly, satisfied she walks away, Weiss then finds an old picture of her and F/n when they were younger she stares at it and slightly smiles but gains a sad expression but she immediately blushes and quickly hides it aways as Ruby walks past her. Blake is busy putting away her books on the shelves, picking up a copy of Ninjas of Love and widening her eyes as she frantically looks around before putting it back. Ruby positions Crescent Rose at an angle against the curtains so she can perfectly slash a diagonal portion off. A quick zoom around the room and the repaired curtains ends with the girls admiring their handiwork... but their beds are together cramping the centre of the room,

Weiss: "This isn't going to work."

Blake: "It is a bit cramped."

Yang: "Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff..."

Ruby: "Or we could ditch the beds... and replace them with bunk beds!"

Weiss: "Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous."

RWBY Frost Fall (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now