Chapter 12 - Apart

Start from the beginning

"What did you say to me?" He snarled. Minho held firm,

"I said watch it," Minho sneered.

"Minho, leave it. It's fine," Newt sighed while grabbing his shoulder.

"Yeah, listen to your friend, walk away," the man cackled.

Minho begrudgingly turned to walk in the opposite direction, but the man apparently wasn't done. He grabbed Minho by the shoulder, spun him around, and punched him bang in the face. 

Minho stumbled back, clutching his face. In an instant, I was in front of the man, with my fist raised. And I punched him in the face. A steady, strong swing, that made him stumble back into the crowd.

Someone grabbed my wrist.


He pulled me quickly back and we all sprinted into a side alley away from the brawl.

"Way of keeping a low profile," Jorge sighed.

I ignored him while prying Minho's hands away from his face. His eye was red, a little swollen but no really bad damage.

"Your eye is fine, you'll just have a bruise tomorrow," I sighed.

"Good, we need to go... if Brenda and Thomas made it out, they should already be at Marcus's house," Jorge affirmed while spinning on his heel and heading out the other side of the alley.

Mihno leaned into my ear and murmured,

"Nice punch," 

"Someone had to protect you," I snickered back with a grin.

"Piss off," He grumbled.

We all followed behind him until we reached a very different-looking building.

In perfect shape. Painted pristine white with golden metal arches around the windows and doors. Well, probably just painted gold but it still had the same effect. Even more people milled around the entrance. People in all sorts of weird, colorful, and... revealing clothes. I tried to avoid eye contact with them as we made our way to the entrance. A lady with blonde hair, long flowy clothes, and dangling jewelry swaggered up to us. She had a slight dazed look on her face,

"You guys here for the party?" She droned while cocking her head to the side, glancing at our group.

"No, we're not Kat... remember me?" Jorge growled. Kat's eyes widened. "Where's Marcus?"

"Uh- he's, he's not here-"

"I'm right here Jorge!" Another droning voice stumbled over his words. Waving a glass of some sort of drink with one hand and holding a cigarette in the other. A large man with red-rimmed eyes and greasy blonde hair.

"Let's go have a chat upstairs, shall we?" He motioned to the inside of the building while starting to enter, "Oh... and you better go check on your friends, I think they went a little bit too hard," He giggled like a schoolboy.

My breath hitched in my throat.

"Friends?" Jorge questioned,

"Yeah, the boy and girl, seemed to take as much as an interest in me as you guys," Marcus bubbled.

I didn't even hear the end of his sentence as I pushed past the man, shoving him to the side as I entered the building, closely followed by Newt and Minho,

"Woah! Watch out pretty thing," Marcus chuckled. I ignored him as I scanned the inside of the room. People were everywhere. All drinking and swaying to the music. It reeked of alcohol and all sorts of weird smells.

"There!" Minho yelled while pointing to the ground on the other side of the room. A body lay on the ground underneath the swarm of bodies pushing together with the music.


"Everybody move!" Newt braked as we stormed for the boy.

"Awww, way to ruin the fun!" Marcus grumbled from the other side of the room. We all ignored him as we closed in on Thomas's location. We had to shove drunk and delirious people out of the way so we could crouch beside him. I checked his pulse.

"He's fine, just unconscious," I sighed, the weight of the past day lifting off my shoulders. I gripped Thomas's hand so tight it probably would hurt if he woke up. I just was so happy to have him back in my arm's reach. I think Newt must have felt the same because he gently brushed a lock of hair off of Tom's face as a tear escaped my brother's eye. He quickly wiped it away so Minho wouldn't notice but I did.

"Let's get him up, then we got to find Brenda," Minho instructed as he and Newt lifted the boy off the ground and around their shoulders. I spotted Teresa and Frypan helping Brenda off the floor. She was conscious.

"No need, the others have her, let's just go find Jorge," I point out. The boys nod and head for the door. We are met with Aris.

"Jorge and Marcus went up here, follow me,"  

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