The fight

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who tuned in to the previous two chapters - we've now got over 250 viewers! This next chapter is even longer than the previous two combined, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

Before you dive into the story, I just wanted to clarify a few things. In this tale, Uta will be gathering a crew and going on adventures - much like Luffy in One Piece. However, for the most part, the story will focus on Uta's crew with Luffy only making an appearance later on when the two groups form an alliance.

Oh, and one more thing - after this chapter, there will be a time skip of about two years. 

Uta was confused.

But she needed answers.

She shouted to the boy to get his attention "Hey". The boy gave a glance to her and then again went back to eating apples.

"The nerve of him" - never in her entire life had she been disrespected like this. Oh wait, yep, there was one, but he was different.

But this dude was just looking like a serial killer.

Uta did not bother anymore and said

"Come down, right now"

The boy jumped ("Finally "Uta thought) and looked at her more seriously.

"My GOD, you are a woman"


The boy then pulled his hair back like he was some of a cool person(which he was not ) and looked at her.

He had blue eyes and a face that was both mischievous and clever like he was thinking a lot of things.

Bad combo.

"Who are y..."

" My name is Ron, 17 years old, a virgin and blood O+ and you, my beautiful lady"

"Umm, Uta"

"Music huh, I could guess and .."

"Did you kill someone"


Uta sighed in relief.

"I killed some fish"


"Is this Elegia"

"Ye, how did you know" Uta asked in surprise

"Well first of all this city is nearly destroyed. Second of all, you looked like a musician with those headphones"

"Fair enough"

"Anyway, can I meet the mayor of this city"


"Oh just to learn how to play a flute"

"Huh, a flute, right"

Uta could laugh, to learn a flute, one has to be patient and by looking at him, she could guarantee one thing he was an impatient person.

"Yeh, just to keep a promise"

"But first, you need to do something"


"Defeat me"

Uta grinned this was getting fun, it was weeks since someone had come to learn. Of course, anyone could be a musician but she wanted the best.

"Hmm, so I need to defeat a girl, huh sad life"

Uta just grinned.

"You just need to put me into such a situation where my death is guaranteed "

"Scared of death ?"

Uta said "Who will show you the path to mayor if I was killed"

"Fair point"

"Anything allowed ?"


"Like touching those melons"
He asked with a grin

"What a perv," Uta thought disgusted
"If you could, you can"

Uta had enough fun, not was time to teach this guy, the power of the sing sing fruit.

She took a big breath and then ...

Nothing happened, at least not in the outside sense, Ron was dead asleep.

"Well well let's go"

She went to her world, 

Uta World.

The ocean was green, the sky a fiery orange, and there stood Ron looking bored on the sandy beach.

"He still does not know what has happened" Uta laughed in her mind.

Ron still unbothered said "I just need to touch your head right"


"Well I am pretty sure,I am asleep due to your power and to get out of it I need to touch your head, right"

Uta could not believe her eyes. This idiot boy knew her biggest secret. 

"How do you know that"


"Well if you know this, you know that you are sleeping right now"


"I can kill you anytime I want"


"So how the fuck, you are so casual"

"Well I know I can't do anything to change that, I just stay positive, you know"


"Anyway.." Uta noticed a little change in the voice, like it was the same but now, yes she saw it , the darkness she had noticed. 

"Let's do this.."

And then woosh, Ron disappeared. Uta was confused, "Where did he go" She got her answer a second later.

He was behind her.

An ordinary human would not have been able to defend it, but Uta was nothing like ordinary, she swept to her left side.

"So you know observation haki"

Said Ron in an annoyed voice.

He was holding a knife Uta noted but it was unlike any knife she had seen.

Best it could be described as lighting has taken the form of a knife.

But he disappeared again and now she looked at her back. 

There was nothing.


Uta seriously got chills hearing the voice.

He was back again and now the hands were on her head.

Woosh, both came back to the real world.

Uta is on the ground while Ron is standing with his hands in his pocket.

"You touched my head"

Uta could tell in a weak voice.


She was shaking as she never met someone like him but it also meant that he had seen it.

"So you see it"


"My memories"

Ron just stood with an emotionless face. Then his eyes slowly understood.

"Those were your memories"


" Well we can talk over it later, show me the way to the mayor"

All credit goes to Eiichiro Oda

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