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Welcome guys to a one-piece fanfiction(my first one), nothing to say much, but for a few chapters, we will be focusing on Uta and her crew, well buckle for a journey like no other.Hope you like my ideas and pls comment all your thoughts bad or good.

"Welcome the strongest, the greatest, and the best diva of all time- Uta "

"Oh please don't embarrass me..Ouch" 

Someone had rolled off her bed, it was a girl of 17 years, a girl with messy hair of two colors, red and white 


"Not again, was I dreaming again..."

But she knew she would accomplish her dream.

SHE was Uta, who was going to be the best diva in the world. She was going to create a new genesis, but she had a problem, sort of.

She wanted a crew, of course, she could do solo, she was the best but she felt some sort of emptiness. After all, she had only the mayor of Elegia, Gordon in her time after the great massacre.

Of course, everyone blamed it on Shanks but she knew the truth.

Also, she had to complete a promise, it may look completely hilarious looking back but a promise is a promise.

Anyway, she pulled herself out of the ground, she had to be dressed as she was umm. naked.

Don't ask why.

She picked up her short white dress from a nearby table, which ended at her thighs(Gordon always complains about that ). 

She wore her headphones, a set of golden cone-shaped headphones with light-blue bands over her ears. On her left arm, she wore her light blue sleeve that covered the entire arm with a drawing on the bottom of it( It was very precious to her ). She then wore her jacket which was scattered with numerous designs on it.

She had doodled over the jacket for months.

While She was wondering what to do today when something clicked inside her head.

Someone was on the island.

Normally it would be random strangers, who had accidently come about to this place, sometimes marines but this she could feel, was a little different, a somewhat of a similar dark energy she had felt before.

It was not normal.

All credit to Eiichiro Oda. 

So ,umm I am hoping to publish this story every saturday, so be ready for next Saturday as it all starts from there.

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