20. - Improvement & Tests.

Start from the beginning

Using the skill [Fractured]...

Skills [Predator] and [Merciless] have been combined into the Legendary Skill —

Hold on!

And it sounds cool as well! I wonder - what does it do?

[Warlock] is a Legendary Skill that grants its user the ability to master all types of Dark Magic, as well as increases their connection to Abyss by 50%.

I mean.. it sounds interesting.
So I can now master every type of Dark Magic? What counts as Dark magic? Does my
[Black Magic] count?

No answer huh - I figured as much.

Taking one last look at my current skill list, I couldn't find any more skills I wanted to attempt and combine at this time.
Well, I suppose that's that.

Closing my Status Window, I looked around - mainly to check if anything or anyone was nearby.
Luckily, I was all alone.

Sweet! I can test out [Human Mimicry] in peace then!
Kind of nervous to be honest... I've spent such a long time going around as a snake and now was about to go back to a human form.

Maybe I won't use it all the time - I'll just use it when going somewhere where keeping the fact that I'm a snake is a wise move.

Right now - I just wanted to test it out.

'Alright, Sage - activate Human Mimicry!'

Command received.

Using the Rare Skill [Human Mimicry]..

As the usage of the skill began, I felt a strange fuzzy feeling inside me.
Then, this strange black mist came from my body, before engulfing be on a spiral. The spiral spun for a few seconds before dissipating, leaving me out in the open in a human look.

Landing onto the grass softly, my eyes widened upon seeing that I had arms and legs again.

'It... Worked..'

I thought, examining my human body. I seemed to be quite young - definitely no where near 28 years of age.

This body seemed to look more towards 19 or so years.
It also seemed to retain the stripes I have on my snake body - which most definitely was going to be a fun thing to try and explain to other humans.

And also, one tiny thing to note..
Why the flying fuck am I naked?!

[Human Mimicry] only mimics the human body and basic anatomy to make you appear to be human.
It cannot create clothes or any equipment.

I see.. well, that's rather annoying.

I guess this skill won't be as useful until I can get some kind of clothing..

I suggest using [Black Magic] to create some temporary clothing made from magic.

I can do that?
Then again, I suppose that when it comes to magic, there is very little limitations..

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now