"It's a surprise." Keanu explained, but Fela just looked at him with a puzzled expression before casually shrugging it off.

"Good afternoon, Colts Neck High School! Today is a special day as we gather to celebrate the incredible achievements of our talented athletes," The soccer coach announced with enthusiasm. "These young men and women have not only showcased their skills on the field but have also demonstrated commitment, discipline, and teamwork throughout their high school journey."

The coach's words resonated with pride and admiration for the athletes, setting the tone for the momentous occasion. The audience listened attentively as the coach continued, emphasizing the significance of each student's dedication to both academics and soccer.

"As we witness these signings today, let's not just see it as a commitment to a college team but as a testament to the dedication and hard work these students have put into their education and their sport. It's a proud moment for Colts Neck High School, and we are excited to see these athletes continue to shine at the collegiate level."

Applause filled the gymnasium as the soccer coach concluded the speech.

One by one, students began to approach the stage in alphabetical order, their names echoing through the gymnasium as they stepped up to sign their commitments to various colleges. Excitement and cheers filled the air with each student's name announced, marking the culmination of their high school soccer journey.

Amidst the growing anticipation, the moment finally arrived for Chiara.

The coach's voice resonated through the gymnasium, "Now finally let's welcome our captain, Chiara Ziegler."

The gymnasium erupted into a frenzy of excitement. The air vibrated with an explosive blend of cheers, screams, and thunderous applause, a symphony of celebration for Chiara's achievement.

Amidst the jubilation, Chiara's family took the lead, their enthusiastic cheers reverberating across the gymnasium. Their voices rose above the rest, filled with pride and exuberance for their daughter, sister, and beloved team captain.

"Okay now quiet down." Chiara chuckled into the mic and the cheers started getting lower. Once it was finally quiet Chiara began her speech, "Thank you, everyone," Chiara began, her voice quivering slightly as she struggled to contain her emotions. "This means everything to me. I am beyond grateful for all of you who have been a part of my journey, my teammates, coaches, friends, and, of course, my family. To leave behind the memories we've created, the victories, the defeats, the laughter, and even the tears. Colts Neck High School has been my home for so long, and it's tough to say goodbye. I'll miss every moment spent on this field, every practice, every game. I'll miss the bonds we've formed, the friendships that have become family. And most of all, I'll miss leading this incredible team. You all mean the world to me."

"Thank you for being my inspiration, my motivation," Chiara concluded, her voice quivering. "I'll carry each one of you with me as I move forward. I love you all so much."

The coach approached the microphone, a proud smile on her face. "Before we move on to which college our captain will be choosing. There's something truly exceptional about our captain that I want to share with everyone,"

"Chiara Ziegler isn't just an outstanding athlete; she's also an academic powerhouse. Graduating with an outstanding 5.5 GPA, Chiara not only claims the title of valedictorian but also boasts the highest SAT score in the county, an impressive 1580. Her excellence has garnered full-ride scholarships from an astounding 14 colleges," the coach proudly announced, the astonishment rippling through the crowd.

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